wiggle jiggle free insect bedtime story

Wiggle Jiggle

Caterpillar is very hungry indeed. He just wants to eat all day long. Do you know how the lifecycle of a butterfly? This is a short picture about butterfly in our insect bedtime story series.

Let’s Discuss:

Learning About Caterpillar

  1. The process of turning from a caterpillar to a butterfly is called metamorphosis.
  2. During the feeding stage, the caterpillar will keep eating. During the transition stage, the caterpillar turns into a pupa protected inside the coccoon.
  3. Do you know that some species of adult butterflies get energy by feeding on nectar from flowers but many species don’t feed at all?

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This story “Wiggle Jiggle” was created by bookdash and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. The original work has undergone minor formatting adjustments to make it easier to read on our website.