Tortoise Finds His Home

Tortoise lost his home! Do you think he can find them with his friend’s help?

Short Stories For Kids ~ Let’s Discuss:

Learning About Tortoise

  1. Do you have a tortoise as a pet?
  2. Do you know what is the difference between a tortoise and a turtle? Turtle actually refers to the name of the group which include terrapins, tortoises and turtles. Turtles can be aquatic, semi-aquatic, or mostly terrestrial. However, tortoises are turtles that live on land and aren’t equipped for water. You may find out more here.

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This story “Tortoise Finds His Home” was created by bookdash and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. The original work has undergone minor formatting adjustments to make it easier to read on our website.

Written By: Maya Fowler

Illustrated By: Katrin Coetzer

Designed By: Damian Gibbs