tig's world space stories for preschoolers

Tig’s World

How do you explain why we don’t fall from earth? Which side of Tig’s world will you be in? The scientific or the creative world?

Short Stories For Kids ~ Let’s Discuss:

Learning About Gravity

  1. In the story, Tig’s mom is a scientist. Do you know what is the scientist’s explanation on why we don’t fall from earth? (The answer is Gravity. It is an invisible force by which a planet or other body draws objects toward its center. You can find out more here)
  2. What do you think about Tig’s dad explanation about why we don’t fall from earth? Although it is not a scientific explanation, it is a method of storytelling. Are you able to tell a story on why we don’t fall from earth?

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This story “Tig’s World” was created by bookdash and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. The original work has undergone minor formatting adjustments to make it easier to read on our website.

Written By: Sam Wilson

Illustrated By: Dorian Dutrieux

Designed By: Kitso Sedumedi

Edited By: Carla Lever