Written By A Single Mother,
With Love.

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This isn't fun at all Free Bedtime Stories For Kids

This Isn’t Fun At All!

The cat family and rabbit family were neighbours. They often play together in the garden or visit each other’s places to read storybooks or share their latest toys. One day, Kelly the kitty fell ill. She was unable to hang out with the two rabbits.

She had a fever, cough and sore throat. The mother cat was distraught. She stayed at home without going off for work to take care and accompany the Kelly. She also tried to make lots of delicious food, hoping to bring the little cat’s appetite back.

“I wonder how is Kelly. We haven’t seen her for days now. We miss her.” The two rabbits sighed. They were told not to come close to Kelly for fear that they might get ill. However, they were very concerned about their best friend. Hence, they decided to visit the little cat at her place.

Sneakily, they stepped out of their house without informing their mother. When they reached the little cat’s house, they peeked through the window. They saw Kelly resting on the bed while being served with all the yummy food. This made them very envious.

One rabbit muttered, “Oh, it’s so good to be sick. I get to stay at home without going to school. Besides that, I will also get to eat tasty food.” The other rabbit nodded delightfully.

They got a plan. They will make themselves sick, so they get to do what the little cat is doing. “We were told to put on a mask if we are near someone who is sick. Let’s get very near to a little cat without a mask on. That should work.” One rabbit exclaimed.

Excitedly, they knocked on Kelly’s door. Mother cat invited them in but reminded them to stay one metre away from the little cat and put on their masks. Both rabbits obliged and headed to the little cat’s room.

However, while in the room, they quickly took off their mask and greeted the little cat. “Hello, friend. We are here to visit you. How did you fall sick?” asked one rabbit curiously. Kelly replied, “I accidentally got drenched in rain as I forgot my umbrella. When I came back, I caught a cold which turned into flu.” Just as the little cat finished talking, she let out a loud “Ah-Choo!!”

The two rabbits looked at each other and grinned. After a while, they decided to leave. When they stepped out of the little cat’s house, they lifted their heads to look at the sky. Together, they prayed, “God, please make it rain today!” They chanted as they headed back home.

When they got back, their mother questioned where they went. Both rabbits told their mother that they went to the gardens to play instead. Mother rabbit chided them, “Both of you did not inform me. Now quickly, go wash your hands thoroughly with soap. If not, you may fall sick like the little cat, with your dirty hands full of bacteria and viruses.”

Both rabbits face lit up. “Yes, mum, we will do that!” both of them replied unanimously. They went to the washroom together. One rabbit said, “This is another way to fall sick! Let’s not wash our hands!” the other rabbit agreed. They continued eating and playing with their hands unwashed.

Towards the evening, dark clouds began to form. Soon, it started to rain.
“Ah! It’s really raining. Yeah!” The two Rabbits were very excited when they saw the rain. Hurriedly, they opened the door and got out to dance in the rain. Their fur was all wet and drenched.

The mother rabbit was really anxious when she saw, and quickly shouted: “Guys! Come in right now. you will fall sick!” However, the two rabbits ignored their mother. Furiously, Mother rabbit went out and dragged both rabbits by their long ears into the house.

That night, the two rabbits started to sneeze. “Ah-Choo! Ah-Choo!” Both of them could not sleep the whole night as they were beginning to feel unwell. The next day, the two rabbits began to have a fever, lying on their beds and constantly calling their mother for attention. “Mom, mom, I’m so uncomfortable, I feel terrible…” the two rabbits whined, one after another.

Poor mother rabbit became very busy. One moment, she had to give the two rabbits medicine. The next moment, she had to change the towel on their forehead and repeatedly monitor both their temperature.
“Mom, I want to eat apples.” The little rabbit demanded. Mother hurriedly went to get apples. “Mom, I want to eat pears.” The other little rabbit called after, and the mother rabbit quickly went to buy pears.

On the third day, the two rabbits became better. However, the mother rabbit felt tired and unwell. She did not have the energy to get up from bed and was not eating or drinking. Feeling distressed, the two rabbits began to cry in fear.

Both rabbits went to the Kelly’s house for help. They knocked frantically and called out: “Aunty cat, my mother needs help. She is too sick!” Feeling depressed, the two rabbits could not control their tears.

Mother cat heard the commotion and anxiously opened the door, “Hurry up. We need to take mother rabbit to the hospital.” She called the ambulance, who came to take mother rabbit to an emergency clinic.

Mother rabbit had to stay in the hospital for a few days to recuperate, and both rabbits visit their mother every day. They even brought her apples and pears. Curiously, Mother rabbit asked: “where do you guys get these fruits from?”

The two rabbits replied, “We helped Uncle cow run some errands, and he gave it to us. We want you to have it, mom.” “Thank you, my dear. I am so proud of you two.” Mother rabbit smiled as she took a bite of an apple and pear.

After a few days of hospital stay, mother rabbit finally recovered from her illness and was discharged from the hospital. When she opened the door to their house, she was pleasantly surprised by the lovely flowers and cupcakes on the table.

The two rabbits held their mother’s hand and said, “Mom, we don’t want to get sick anymore. It’s really uncomfortable to be sick. From now on, we will make sure that we wear a mask wherever we go. Wash our hands frequently, and also stay home if we are unwell so another person won’t have to fall sick.”

The End.

Let’s Discuss!

  1. When was the last time you fell ill? How did you feel?
  2. Did you wear mask when you were unwell? A study done shows that mask can protect you from falling sick because fluid droplets from someone who sneezes can be blocked by covering yourself with a damp cloth. So, put on your mask to protect yourself and others!
  3. Did you remember to wash your hands frequently?

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