Written By A Single Mother,
With Love.

5 Mins Read. Free Bedtime Short Stories.

The TreeTop Monkey and The Yellow Chimney (1)

The TreeTop Monkey and The Yellow Chimney

Up on the mountains, a little monkey lived in a small wooden house upon the treetop. He loves to remain in the high treetop to get a bird’s eye view of the area below the mountains.

One afternoon, the little Monkey was bored playing and hanging around the treetop when he smelled something yummy that made his stomach rumble. He followed the smell, and looked across the horizon, where he saw some smoke coming out from a yellow chimney. Curious, he decided to head over to check it out.

The little Monkey quickly descended the treetop and followed the smell. He found the house with the yellow chimney and sneakily peeked through the window. It was a little lamb who was making pancakes. It smelled so fragrant! The greedy Monkey rubbed his growling stomach, hoping to get his hands on the delicious, piping hot pancakes on the kitchen table.

He knocked on the Lamb’s door. The little Lamb opened, and the little Monkey greeted loudly. “Little Lamb, how are you?”

The little Lamb was happy to have a guest at his house. “Hi little Monkey, what a surprise! Welcome to my house. Please come in and sit down!” Little Lamb moved a bench and said enthusiastically, “You came at the right time. I am making pancakes.” As he said, he brought a big plate of fragrant pancakes and a huge pot of honey.

The little Monkey was hungry. He grabbed a piece of pancake, dipped it in honey and took a huge bite. “It tastes so good! I have never had such a tasty pancake.” The little Lamb replied, “You are most welcome, my friend.”

The Monkey had a wonderful time with little Lamb. He soon finished his lunch and felt satisfied with his swollen full belly. He thanked the little Lamb for the treat and went home.

From then on, as soon as the little Monkey saw the smoke from the yellow chimney, he would run towards the little Lamb’s house as he knew that little Lamb was cooking and he could enjoy the food there.

Winter came, and it started snowing heavily. The little Monkey stood at the door of his treetop house in the mountains and looked over the yellow chimney several times, but this time, he did not see any smoke coming out of the yellow chimney.

“Strange. what happened to Little Lamb today?” The little Monkey muttered. “He is not cooking today. Perhaps, he has nothing to eat. Oh no, he will come to borrow some food from me!” Worried, the little Monkey hurried into the house, hid all his food under the bed and locked his door.

The heavy snowfall lasted for three days and three nights with the little Monkey covering himself with his blanket and enjoying his rest at the comfort of his home. He stored enough food to last him through the winter and was sleeping through the snowfall cozily.

Finally, the snow stopped. The sun shined through the window of the cabin. Quickly, the little Monkey opened the door and took a glance from his treetop. Hee Hee! The yellow chimney is smoking again! He skipped down the hill and ran to the little Lamb’s house, hoping to have his meal there.

He knocked on the door and greeted, “Little lamb, how are you?” But it was not little Lamb who opened the door. Instead, it was the little fox and little rabbit.

“Hey, why are you here, little fox and rabbit?” the little Monkey asked.

Little fox answered, “little Lamb has been sick for three days! Why didn’t you come to see him!”

Rabbit said, “Little Lamb did not have food for three days! Why don’t you share your food?”

“I, I don’t know!” The little Monkey lowered his head apologetically.

At this moment, the little Lamb came out of his bedroom and chirped to the little Monkey: “You are here just at the right time, Monkey. Let’s eat pancake together, just missing some honey…”

Before little Lamb could finish, the little Monkey suddenly left. Little Lamb was surprised.

The little fox said: “He must be embarrassed.”

Little rabbit said, “Why doesn’t he care about his friends?” they sighed and continued setting up the kitchen table for a meal together.

After a while, there was a thumping footstep outside the door. Everyone went to check.

It was the little Monkey holding a big jar. He stepped in and said to everyone, “Try my maple sauce. It’s sweet!”

That night, the house was surrounded by cheerful laughter accompanied by smoke from the yellow chimney, flying up towards the sky. The entire mountain was filled with the fragrance of pancakes all night long.

The End.