Written By A Single Mother,
With Love.

5 Mins Read. Bedtime Stories For Kids

The Three Little Lambs

The Three Little Lambs

It is Mother Sheep’s birthday today. The pink Lamb, white Lamb, and black Lamb discuss giving their mummy a big surprise birthday celebration.

The pink Lamb said: “Let’s make a cake!”
The other two lambs immediately nodded and replied: “Yes! We shall make the best cakes in the world for Mum.

Quickly, the three lambs rushed to the kitchen, prepared all the ingredients and started baking away. Finally, the best cake in the world is ready! The pink Lamb made a pink strawberry cake, the white Lamb made a white vanilla cake, and the Black Lamb made a dark chocolate cake.

The three lambs gazed at the delicious cakes and leaned close to breathe in the fragrance coming from the cake. “The cakes smell heavenly! But why hasn’t mother come back yet?” the lambs wondered impatiently.
All of a sudden, growling sounds came. “Rumble….!” The noise came from the three lambs’ empty stomachs as they were starting to feel hungry. They turned and looked at each other.

Pink Lamb broke the silence and said: “I will take one small bite of the cake. Only a tiny piece and I will leave the rest for mom to eat.” She carefully nibbled on the strawberry cake. The rest followed in unison. “We promise we will only take one small bite.” With that, the other lambs also took a bite on their cakes.

The cake was just too good! It was soft and savoury with a great texture. The aroma of the cake lingered inside their mouth, making it harder for them to resist the temptation to take that second bite. The lambs took tiny bite after bite, and the cake became smaller and smaller. At last, it disappeared.

Just then, the doorbell rang. “Ding Dong!” Finally, mother was back! The three lambs quickly jumped onto their beds and covered themselves with their blankets. They felt ashamed and embarrassed about their actions.
Mother Sheep entered the house and immediately picked up the scent of the cake’s fragrance.

Next, she went to the kitchen and saw flour, baking soda and sugaring all over the kitchen top. There were also morsels of leftover cake pieces that had dropped on the floor. She knew what was going on.

She exclaimed, “Ah, something smells good here. Are there big steamed cupcakes hidden under the bed? It will be the best birthday gift I have ever received! I want to eat them all.”

The three little lambs hurriedly jumped out of the blanket and rushed into their mother’s arms. “Sorry, mummy! We ate the cakes that we made for you.” The three lambs mumbled with their heads down. Mother Sheep hugged each of them and replied, “Thank you, darling. It is the thought that matters.”

That night, the little lambs could not sleep. Pink Lamb signalled White Lamb and black Lamb to get out of their bed and follow her. They crept out of their beds and tiptoed to the kitchen sneakily.

Pink Lamb whispered, “Shall we make one beautiful and delicious cake together for mummy?” The other two lambs nodded delightfully. They were determined to work together to create the most lovely and tasty cake for their mother.

In the morning, the cake was finally completed. It was an impressive red, yellow, pink, green, purple, orange and blue. A beautiful rainbow coloured cake! It was placed on a nicely decorated plate with flowers. What a lovely sight!

The three little lambs hid quietly and patiently, hoping to give a surprise to their mummy when she woke up. After a while, the three lambs heard, “My babies, where are you all?” Mother Sheep was awake and found the three lambs missing from their bed. She walked around the house while calling after them.

When she walked into the kitchen, she was surprised to see the rainbow cake sitting on the kitchen table. Her eyes gleamed with happiness.
The three little lambs ran out immediately and said, “Happy Birthday, Mummy!”

“Oh, thank you, my babies. Mummy is very pleased.” Mother Sheep replied cheerfully.

The End.