Written By A Single Mother,
With Love.

5 Mins Read. Children Free Short Stories

The Peanut Adventure

The Peanut’s Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a Peanut. Peanut heard stories of other Peanuts’ exciting exploration, where they venture around the world in a big sack. He heard about the gigantic ships and the magnificent oceans. It would be a great adventure.

Peanut had been hoping for his turn to come, where he can finally get his chance to travel the world. Finally, the day has arrived! He was packed into a big sack and placed in a room full of goodies waiting to be shipped out and begin his adventure. Thrilled with the thought of seeing the world, Peanut couldn’t sleep at night!

Day after day, he waited and waited. There was still no sign of setting off on his incredible journey. It seemed that there were some issues with the shipping that was causing a delay.

Everyone in the room started to feel anxious. The vegetables were jittery. Cabbages were panicking as they were losing their green beauty and becoming yellow soon. When this happens, they will not be shipped with the rest but thrown into the bins! Everyone was worried about their fate.
What if they are thrown away without embarking on their long-awaited expedition?

As the days passed by, some vegetables started to wither. The cabbages had turned yellow. The farmers began picking out those that are not so fresh and threw them into the trash bin.

“Oh no, I want to go on my adventure to see the world instead of ending up in the trash bin!” Peanut exclaimed.
Sick and tired of being stuck in the big sack, Peanut got an idea to escape. He twisted and turned his waist vigorously in an attempt to jump out. Suddenly “Crack”, the peanut shell broke. Two pink peanut kernels rolled out of the big sack.

“We are finally out! It’s better here!” Peanut Kernel A said, looking at the blue sky.”Yes, our little room is too small and dark. Let’s go and explore the world!” said Peanut Kernel B.

Two peanut kernels began rolling out of the room through a small rat hole. They went to the garden and enjoyed the fresh air and the morning sun without realizing they were being followed. “Hello, guys.” Someone called after them.

“Hi.” The two peanut kernels replied as they turned to look behind them. It was a mouse who was sneakily watching them from behind. The mouse was sniffing and drooling while looking at the peanuts. Both peanuts were terrified.

“Oh no, it is a mouse! We need to run!” Peanut Kernel A shouted.
“Go!” The other Kernel started to panic. The two peanut kernels ran as fast as possible as they would be eaten up by the mouse if they did not escape. They quickly rolled down the slope as the mouse continued chasing after them.

“Help!” screamed Kernel A. “I’m too tired!” Kernel B replied, panting breathlessly. “Bang!”, just then the two Kernels knocked into a myna. Myna looked at them and asked, “You two small peanuts, what are you doing? You nearly cause an accident!”

Peanut Kernel A apologized and said: “Myna bird, we are running for our lives! A mouse is coming after us to eat us!” The kind Myna quickly offered to help. She dug a hole in the ground and said, “Quick, jump in and hide. Don’t make any noise which may alert the mouse.”

The peanut kernels jumped in obediently, and Myna quickly covered the hole with soil. “Myna bird, when the mouse is gone, please help to dig us out!” Said the two Kernels. “Don’t worry, you catch your breath first”, Myna replied.

Just then, a cat who was hunting nearby for food overheard Myna talking to the peanuts. The cat began approaching Myna and tried to pounce on her. Myna shrieked and instinctively took to the air to escape the cat. The commotion alarmed the mouse, who fled when he saw the cat.

The two kernels waited and waited for Myna to come back to help them out. Luckily, Myna landed in a safe place away from the cat. However, she had forgotten entirely about the kernels while trying to escape her life. The seeds remain stuck under the soil.

A few days later, Myna flew around a farm and while picking up a pea, it triggered her memory. Suddenly, she remembered the peanuts and her promise. She had forgotten to dig the Kernels out from the ground!
“The two little guys must have escaped by themselves by now.” Myna thought.

More than a month later, Myna unwittingly flew over to where she previously hid the Kernels. At the ground, she saw two green seedlings.
“Is that you, myna bird?” green seedling A asked.
“Do you know me?” replied the curious Myna.

“Myna bird, a month ago, we were chased by a mouse. You buried us in the soil. Now, we have grown from peanut kernels into seedlings.” Explained green seedling B. “Oh, I’m so sorry, I had forgotten to dig you out. Please forgive me.” Replied Myna apologetically.

“Don’t worry, myna bird, we like it here. The sun and soil are very nutritious for us. By autumn, we can bear a lot of peanuts. We will then tell the baby peanuts stories of our little adventure from the farm and the mouse. It shall be the young peanuts’ turn to embark on their new adventure.”

The End.