The Frog Prince

The Frog Prince

A Classics Fairy Tales

Little Princess made a promise to the frog. What happens next?

There was once a king who had several daughters, all of whom were very beautiful. His youngest daughter, in particular, was so beautiful that her face glistened when the sun shines on her face.

Near the king’s palace, there was a dark forest. Under an old eucalyptus tree in this forest, there was a deep pond. In the heat of the day, the little princess often come to the forest and sit on the edge of the pond. Whenever she felt bored, she would take out a golden ball, threw it into the air, and try catching it with her hand. It became her favorite game.

Unfortunately, one day, while playing with the golden ball, the princess missed the ball while throwing up to the air. It fell to the ground and kept rolling. The little princess quickly ran after the ball but she kept missing it and even accidentally pushed it forward. Eventually, it landed with a thud into the water.

The little princess stared into the pond. She could see the golden ball sinking deeper and deeper, and disappeared. Nervously, the little princess started to weep.

“Oh, Princess, what’s wrong? Why are you crying so loudly?”

The princess looked around, trying to figure out where the voice came from but could not seem to see anyone but a frog sticking out of the water with his ugly head. The princess was unsure if it was the frog talking to her. Feeling silly, she looked at the frog and replied, “Are you talking to me?”

The frog answered, “yes, it’s me. A talking frog!” he announced proudly. The princess was shocked to see a frog talking to her but held her grounds. “Now tell me, why are you bawling your eyes out?” The frog continued.

“I’m crying here because my golden ball fell into the pool.”  The Princess said.

“Well, don’t be sad, don’t cry,” replied the frog.” I have a way to help you. However, if I help you get your golden ball, what will you give me in return?”

“Dear frog, you can have anything you wish,” replied the little princess, “My clothes, my pearls, gems, and even the golden crown on my head!”

After hearing this, the frog said to the little princess, “I don’t want all of these.” However, if you like me, we can be good friends. We can play together and let me eat together with you at the table, from your little gold plate, drink with your little high-footed cup, and let me sleep on your bed at night.”

The princess was puzzled and thought to herself, “This frog is really silly. How can a frog befriend a human and expect to live like one?  What nonsense!” However, all she wanted was to have her golden ball back. She quickly agreed.

“Okay, that’s a deal,” said the little princess, “as long as you’re willing to fish out my golden ball, I’ll agree to everything you ask for.”   

After the frog got the little princess’s promise, he dived into the pool. A while later, the frog got the golden ball in his mouth and swam to the surface of the pond. He then spit the golden ball on the grass. When the little princess saw her beloved toy again she was so happy that she picked the golden ball and ran home quickly.

“Don’t run! Wait for me!  The frog cried out,” Take me with you! I can’t catch up!”

Although the frog was shouting on top of his voice, it didn’t work at all. The little princess ignored the frog’s cry, and ran straight home. She had forgotten the poor frog.

The next day, the little princess and the king and ministers had just sat down at the table to eat, they suddenly heard a crackling sound. Something was jumping up the marble steps.

The noise got louder as it approached nearer and eventually, there was a loud knock on the door and a voice that said, “Little princess, open the door!” Hearing the shouts, the little princess hurried to the door to see who was causing the ruckus.

When she opened the door, it turned out to be the frog squatting in front of the door. The little princess was stunned to see the frog and quickly closed the door, turned around and hurried back to her seat.

When the king found the little princess in a panic, he asked her, “Is there a monster outside the door who’s going to take you away? ”

“Ah, no,” replied the little princess, “not a monster, but a nasty frog. ”

What does the frog want to do with you? ” the King asked.

“Alas! My good father, yesterday, I went to the forest. While sitting on the edge of the pool, the golden ball fell into the pool, so I cried. I cried so hard that the frog picked up the golden ball for me. The frog asked me to be his friend and I said yes, but I didn’t think he would climb out of the pool and travel so far to get here. Now he’s outside the door and wants to come up to us. ”

The frog persistently knocked on the door and spoke aloud,

“Little princess, my love. Open the door quickly! You won’t forget yesterday, by the pond under the old eucalyptus tree. The water is deep and the ball is not seen. It’s your own promise to me.”

The king listened and said to the little princess, “You must not say nothing, go and open the door and let him in.”

The little princess frowned but walked over to open the door as instructed. The frog hastily jumped into the room, and followed the little princess to the seat. He said to her, “Carry me!”

The little princess trembled with fear, but the king told her to do what the frog said. The frog was put on the chair, but he was unhappy and wanted to go to the table.

After moving to the table, he demanded,” Would you please push your little gold plate over a little bit? So, we can eat quickly.”

The little princess was reluctant to do so, but she still pushed the golden plate over. The frog ate greedily, but the little princess had no appetite at all. Finally, the frog was done eating and said, “I’ve had enough. Now I’m a little tired, please take me to your little bedroom, lay your satin cover, and then we’ll go to bed.”

The little princess was so disgusted with the cold frog, and didn’t even dare to touch it. She began to tear on hearing that the loathsome frog was going to sleep on her beautiful cosy bed.

When the king saw the little princess, he said angrily to her, “Those who have helped us in our difficult times, whoever he is, should not be despised afterwards.”

Unwillingly, the little princess picked the frog up with her two slender fingers, took him upstairs and put him in a corner of the bedroom. But as soon as she lay down in bed, the frog hopped to the bedside and said to her, “I’m tired, and I want to sleep on the bed.” Please pick me up or I’ll tell your father.”

Upon hearing this, the little princess was furious. She grabbed the frog, and it fell to the ground.

“Now you go to sleep, you ugly frog!”

However, a sudden blinding flash appeared. The princess turned her head to block the bright light. When she turned to look at the frog again, it had disappeared. Instead of a frog, it was a handsome boy. “What just happened? Are you the frog?” She asked in amazement.

The boy replied, “Yes Princess, I was the frog. A vicious witch cast a spell on and turned me into a frog. She said that the only person who can save a prince is a princess.”

So, at the king’s will, the prince became a close friend and companion of the little princess. He wrote a letter to the prince’s kingdom that they will escort the prince back to their kingdom together.

The next morning, an elegant and luxurious horse carriage came. It was the prince’s royal family who came after knowing that their son’s spell was finally broken. They were excited to see him and invited the little princess and his father to their kingdom. Everyone was ecstatic and had a great feast to celebrate this joyous occasion and they lived happily ever after.

the frog prince classics fairy tales

Children’s Stories For 6 to 8 Years Old ~ Let’s Discuss

Learning About Keeping Promises

  1. Is there a time where you promise someone something and broke your promise?
  2. How about the time where someone broke their promise to you? How did you feel?
  3. Do you think it is right for the princess to run away after promising the frog?

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This story “The Frog Prince” is a classic fairy tale.

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