Written By A Single Mother,
With Love.

5 mins Free Children’s Stories To Read

The cat and the mouse jpg

The Cat and The Mouse

The Cat and the Mouse often played together when they were young. They will often play catch, look for bugs together or simply basking under the sun. For a long time, they were each other’s best friends and companions. As time passed by, both of them grew. The Cat became a big cat, while the Mouse remains smaller.

One day, while they were crossing a large forest, the Cat suddenly felt hungry as usual. His stomach was rumbling loudly, and he told Mouse, “My friend, I am too hungry. Can you get me something to eat?” Mouse replied playfully, “You are getting fatter to be eating so often. Come on, let’s continue our exploration first!”

The Cat was unhappy but did as he was told. However, his stomach was growling louder with every step he took. He decided to ask again, “Mouse, I am famished. I need to eat. Can you get me something to eat?” Again, Mouse responded, “No way, I am a little sleepy. I want to take a nap now.”

This made Cat very upset. In a fit of anger, he said: “You mouse! Now go find me something to eat, or I will eat you.” As Cat said this, he can feel his natural hunting instinct grew. Almost like a voice whispering in his ears to urge him to eat his friend. He started to drool a little.

This startled the Mouse. He quickly replied, “I know that there are baby chicks nearby. We will catch one.” The thought of eating baby chicks shifted Cat’s growing craving for Mouse. He thought this was a good idea, and they went to the chicken’s coop together.

The Mouse hurriedly sneaked in and distracted the mother hen. Meanwhile, Cat took the chance to steal a baby chick. He devoured the chick as soon as he caught it. Feeling ravenous, the Cat wanted more. Without thinking, he sneaked in to steal another chick by himself. However, the Cat was clumsy and was spotted by Mother Hen, and she screamed for help.

A nearby farmer heard the scream and saw the Cat running out from the coop. He began chasing after the Cat and hitting it with his wooden stick. The Cat was hurt. He ran to the Mouse and reprimanded him, “You fooled me! I wanted another chick, and the farmer suddenly attacked me. I was nearly caught!”

The Mouse shuddered and replied, “Why are you so gluttonous?” The Cat was annoyed by what happened, but the incident made him tired. Hence, they decided to rest for the day.

The next day, the Cat and the Mouse continued their exploration in the woods. Once again, the greedy Cat felt as hungry as before. He demanded again, “Mouse, go find me something to eat, or I will eat you.”

The Mouse already felt the change in his friend’s attitude towards him. He did not hesitate to reply, “I know that a family is going to make cookies tonight. Let’s get some to eat.” The Cat followed the Mouse from behind while he tried to find his way to the cookie house.

As they got near the house, they could smell the fragrance of the vanilla cookie in the surroundings. The Mouse ran towards the house and sniffed around to see how he can enter. He found a small hole and dig his way to the house.

Once he got in, he tiptoed around the house and finally found the plate on which the cookies were placed. Secretly, he stole a few cookies and got out stealthily.

“Here you go.” Mouse said while handling the cookies to Cat, who was waiting impatiently outside. He then said, now I have done what I was told. I am going off now.” With that, he dashed off. The Cat then gobbled the cookies in a gulp and think to himself, “These cookies are so delicious. I want more.”

He decided to enter the house to get more cookies for himself by following how Mouse makes his way in. However, the Cat was bigger and too clumsy. While reaching for the cookies on the table, his claw got caught onto the table cloth unknowingly. It dragged the entire plate of cookies down, and all items fell to the ground! They shattered and created a lot of noise.

“Uh-oh.” The Cat thought to himself. He tried to get out as fast as he could. However, the loud ruckus had already alerted the owner of the house. The Cat heard a growling and stomping sound approaching the kitchen. The sound got louder, faster and nearer. At that moment, the Cat was frozen by fear. He could not move and think straight.

Before he could turn his back to hide, a bear stood right in front of him in the kitchen. The Cat had entered the bear’s house! The bear was furious and pounced on the Cat. He got thrown out of the house with a bruise on his eyes. The Cat dragged both its legs and purred as he fled back to the forest.

When the Cat returned to the forest, he met Mouse again, who was napping nearby. He woke him up with a loud voice, “You are so hateful that you lied to me about the bear’s cookie! The bear caught me. Look what he did to my eyes!”

The mouse retort, “Why are you so gluttonous?”
The Cat said, “Mouse, come with me to find food. I am still feeling hungry. If not, I will have to eat you!” The Mouse answered, “I know someone just caught some fish yesterday. They place the fish in a bucket in the cellar, and we can get some.” The Cat replied, “Alright. If I get caught, you need to help me.” “Of course.” Mouse grinned.

Mouse leads the Cat to the cellar, and they entered through a hole in the entrance. There was a lot of fishes in the bucket. The Cat was so excited that he opened its mouth and ate voraciously. The Cat thought, “I need more time to slowly enjoy and finish all these fishes before I leave.”

The Mouse also felt hungry and joined in the feast. However, he would run around the entrance once a while after he ate some fish.
Curious, the Cat asked: “mouse, why are you always running off to the entrance and coming back to eat?”

The Mouse whispered anxiously, “I have to see if someone is coming. Don’t overeat, or you will not be able to run!” The Cat did not heed the advice and replied casually, “I will eat all the fishes in the bucket.”

This time, the farmer heard the sound of the noises from the cellar. He started walking in their direction. As soon as Mouse spotted his shadow, he hastily got out and escaped. “Run, cat!” He called behind him.

The Cat fumbled and tried to run along, but he was too full. His bulging stomach got stuck at the entrance of the hole, and he could not get out. The farmer caught the Cat and punished the Cat with his wooden stick.

The Mouse managed to run back to the forest. He smirked as he thought to himself, “Cat had to be punished for his greediness!”

The End.