Written By A Single Mother,
With Love.

5 Mins Read. Free Children’s Stories.

The Best Birthday Gift

The Best Birthday Gift

Mimi’s birthday is approaching, and Moomoo wants to give her a special gift. Moomoo thought long and hard, trying to figure out what gift he should get for Mimi. After pondering for days, he finally decided on the best gift for Mimi. “What gift can be more special than a star?” He exclaimed with excitement.

“If this star happens to be a meteor falling from the sky that can make birthday wishes come true, it would be even better.” He thought, beaming with delight. Moomoo got a plan. He was determined to find the meteor to give Mimi as a birthday gift.

The day came, and it was finally Mimi’s birthday. Moomoo had been looking forward to the night so he could bring Mimi to the mountains to pick a fallen meteor. “Follow me, Mimi. I got a surprise for you.” Moomoo said excitedly.

“Where are you bringing me to?” Mimi asked as they trotted towards the mountains. “I am bringing you to the mountains to find a fallen meteor as your birthday gift,” Moomoo replied eagerly.

“Will meteors be falling from this mountain?” Mimi asked as she followed Moomoo up the mountain. “Grandpa Jo told me previously that whenever the weather is good, stars in the sky will fall here.” Moomoo responded, “Let’s wait for it to drop.” Thrilled by the thought of it, Mimi nodded.

Soon the two children arrived at the top of the mountain. They found a big rock and sat on it while looking up the clear night sky, waiting patiently for a star to dive. There were numerous stars in the sky, all sparkling with glow and forming a silver galaxy.

“Wow, it’s beautiful.” Mimi lifted her head and smiled. “I’ve never seen such a beautiful starry sky.” Both of them waited and waited while watching the sky intently. But, no stars fell. The cold wind was starting to get stronger. Trembling from the cold, Mimi stammered and said, ” Moomoo, it is freezing here. Should we head home?”

Before Moomoo could say anything, suddenly, a star fell from the sky and dropped on the big rock near them. Moomoo rushed over to glimpse at the piece of item that dropped down. His eyes beamed with delight. It was a tiny but chubby meteor that exudes a beautiful silver-yellow light. It was adorable.

However, the meteor got stuck between the gap between the two rocks from the impact of the fall and was unable to get out. “Help me!” Little star asked pitifully. Moomoo and Mimi pulled and tugged with all their strength. After struggling for some time, they finally got little star out.

The two siblings held the little star in their hands and marvelled at how stunning the star was. Little star suddenly burst into tears. “What happened, Litter star? Please don’t cry. We are not going to hurt you.” Mimi tried to calm the little star.

“I had sneaked down from the sky to play for a night while my mummy was not paying attention, but I accidentally bumped into this big rock. Now it left me with a noticeable crack scar on my body. I think I am going to break into pieces!” the little star bawled out loud.

Moomoo and Mimi felt sorry for little star and comforted him. Instead,
Little star wailed even louder, “If I go back, my friends will make fun of me when they see this ugly crack.”

“Don’t worry, little star. A good friend will show care and concern when you are hurt. They will never make fun of you.” Mimi explained.
Moomoo nodded vigorously in agreement. “But…, this crack is so horrible.” Little star sobbed.

Mimi thought for a while and said, “Little Star, you are a meteor that can help people realize their wishes, right?” The little star looked at the Mimi with its teary eyes and nodded dazedly.

“That’s wonderful.” Mimi gently embraced the little star in her arms. “Today happens to be my birthday. I have a wish. Please make it come true.” Then, Mimi whispered to the little star softly.

When little star heard what Mimi said, he was confused for a moment. Eventually, his face started to dazzle and glow brightly. “So your wish is…”

Mimi smiled and lifted the little star high. “I wish that the cracks on your body will disappear, and you will become a happy little star again.”

Almost immediately, a blinding light streak across the sky. It was so glaring that Mimi and Moomoo covered their eyes. Then, the intense flash disappeared. Little star was gone. Moomoo and Mimi looked up the sky and waved goodbye, hoping the little star could see them.

Moomoo turned to Mimi and said, “Sorry, Mimi. After the whole night of waiting, I haven’t been able to give you any birthday present.”
“No, you picked up the stars and watched the starry sky with me all night. I am glad.” Mimi chirped.

“But you had other birthday wishes, and you used it on little star instead,” Moomoo replied. “My wish does not necessarily have to be realized by Meteor,” answered Little Star. Moomoo raised his eyebrows and asked, “What is that wish? I will help you.”

“Well, I am contented to have this tiny star fragment as a souvenir for my birthday gift,” Mimi said while bending over to pick up a piece of stone left by the little star. Both of them laughed while heading back home. It was the most memorable birthday engraved in Mimi’s memories.

The End.