The ant's scent short stories for children

The Ant’s Scent

Short Stories For Children

Piper the Ant finally get to join the army ants on a food hunt mission. What’s going to happen?

Autumn came. The ant colonies went on a food hunt to prepare for winter.

Ant Piper was part of the team responsible to look for food today. He is a young ant who just recently enrolled into the army team for this mission. Piper was super excited. He could not wait to contribute to the ant colonies.

The ant family started marching out on their search together with Piper, who was curious about the world. As he followed the army of ants along the path, he smelled some fragrance, which piqued his interest.

“I can’t wait to find out what is this sweet scent! Maybe I can bring it home for the family!” He thought to himself. As his mind was occupied by this exciting thought, he did not realize he had already ventured away from his team in an attempt to find the sweet smell.

He came to an osmanthus tree after following the wafting fragrance. The Osmanthus flowers and its fragrant smell captured his heart.  

Piper was so mesmerized by the majestic osmanthus tree that he spends the entire day sneaking around, inhaling the aroma of osmanthus flowers.

After some time, Piper was feeling hungry. He realized that it was getting late and decided to go home.

As he approached the door, he greeted to the Ant Guard happily, “I’m back!”

However, the ant guards did not greet Piper as warmly as before. Instead, they seemed cautious and was staring at him suspiciously.

Piper continued into the house but all of a sudden, the two guards pounce on him, followed by a swarm of other ants.

Piper was terrified and shouted, “I am Piper, the little ant!”

But no one pays attention to him.

He had no choice but to make his escape out of the ant’s nest. Piper stood by the river and sob. “Was everyone angry with him for not helping in the food hunt today?” he wondered.

Just then, Betty, the kind butterfly flew past and noticed Piper weeping by the river. She went to check on him and ask Piper if he needed help.

“I played outside for a day today, and when I returned, my friends got upset and chased me out. I can’t go home anymore,” Piper cried.

Betty butterfly quickly comforted him, “Piper, don’t worry. Could you tell me where did you go earlier before heading home?”

After realizing that Piper was at the Osmanthus tree the whole day, she understood what went wrong.

“Piper, the ant family is huge. Every member has the same special smell whom the army colonies identify you with. If you lose this smell or smell different, they cannot identify you as part of their family.” Betty explained.

“I am covered with the aroma of osmanthus flowers. The osmanthus scent has covered up my original smell. Now no one knows who I am,” Piper realized.

He lowered his head sadly, “Now, how do I get home?”

“Go to the river and take a bath!” said the fish who heard the whole conversation.

“Doesn’t that wash away the scent?” the fish continued.

Piper thought it was a great idea and jumped into the river for a quick bath. When he came out, the osmanthus scent faded completely.

He went home again and this time, he was greeted warmly by the ants’ guard and the colonies.

From then on, Piper followed his team attentively and worked hard for the food collection.

short stories for children

short Stories ~ Let’s Discuss

Learning About Ants

  1. Do you know that ants are one of the strongest creatures who can carry 50 times their own weight?
  2. There are 12,000 different types of ant species worldwide, according to National Geographic.
  3. Ants’ life cycle have 4 stages – egg, larva, pupa and adult.
  4. The queen spends her life laying eggs.

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This story ” The Ant’s Scent ” .

Cover designed By: StoryDino

Special Thanks To: My two boys for their suggestion on the design 🙂