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Spider Warrior’s Masterpiece

Spider Stories Online

Spider warriors are having a competition. Who do you think should win?

“The time has come for our competition, so get ready!” The spider soldier made a resounding blast on the horn with the morning glory bloom. It’s time for the spider kingdom’s annual tournament to see who has the best weaving skills.

As the participants displayed their abilities, everyone gathered and shouted enthusiastically for them.

The first contestant is Arty the Spider. “Dear King, I shall spin a web with an image of flowers that could hang on the wall like a piece of art. The flies will be lured by the beautiful blooms and get attracted.” The Arty spider quickly got to work weaving his web with his silk threads. In the next instant, a stunning web featuring a rose pattern was completed.

“Wow, that’s gorgeous.” The queen cheered.

The second competitor was Scrawny the spider, who has long, slender legs capable of moving swiftly and climbing vertical surfaces. Scrawny climbed up and over the gate and declared, “I can make the biggest web at the fastest speed; even the horses cannot keep up with my speed.” He spread his silk thread quickly and began to circle. An extensive net was completed in the blink of an eye.

“Wow, that’s a big web done in such a short time!” The prince gave a hearty applause.

Smiley the spider was the third contestant to take part in the tournament. The spider’s face broke into a broad grin as it spoke to the King and said, “Dear King, I can make the stickiest web such that bigger insect cannot escape once it touches my web.” He started weaving, and after a while, a cricket that landed on the web became stuck and could not escape from it. The princess was amazed and praised Smiley by exclaiming, “Great work!”

The spider queen proclaimed, “The one who spins the gorgeous web shall emerge victorious.”

The spider prince said, “Whoever weaves the fastest should win.”

The spider princess remarked, “The champion should go to the one who spins the stickiest web!”

Everyone had a reasonable opinion regarding the winner of the competition.

The King rubbed his big tummy and said, “Everyone makes sense. Nevertheless, this is a challenging decision to make because each one possesses its unique strengths. However, let’s test the web. Whoever’s web can catch the greatest number of bugs shall win!”

Arty, the first contestant, waited for some time. However, his bloom did not attract the bugs sufficiently. After a while, he only managed to capture three flies. In fact, after successfully catching the flies, some parts of his artistic bloom web were damaged and were not as flawless as before.

Scrawny, the second contestant performed marginally better than the first. Because it was much more extensive, his web could successfully catch four flies. The flies that flew by were caught effortlessly in the part of the web that he had spun. However, a good number of them were able to wriggle and break his net, which made it simpler for them to escape.

Lastly, Smiley, the spider, could catch more bugs than Scrawny as it was harder for them to escape with his sticky web. The size was excellent, so the bugs did not even notice the trap.

The King declared, “You are all successful in your unique way. I have made up my mind. Victory goes to all of you. The award for “Most Artistic Design” goes to Arty, the award for “Fastest Spinner” goes to Scrawny, and the award for “Ultimate Winner” goes to Smiley!

The victorious contestants were cheered on by the entire kingdom.

“By working together using all your great skills combined, you all will be able to create a masterpiece that is not only aesthetically pleasing but also easy to construct and durable. It will be an asset to our kingdom.” the King said proudly. After the competition, the three warriors worked together to create an incredible masterpiece with their weaving skills. They even set up a school to teach each spider in the kingdom so that they would build a better spider kingdom.

The end.

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Spider Stories Online ~ Let’s Discuss

Learning and Discussion Corner

  1. Which spiders do you think should win? And why?
  2. Do you think that using your skills alone get you a better result or do you think teaming up will give you a better result?
  3. Fun fact: Spiders produce seven kinds of silk ranging from the sticky stuff to trap and wrap their prey to super strong threads for support. (Source: National Geographic)
  4. Also, according to National Geographic, a spider eats about 2,000 insects a year! Isn’t it great to have them in your house to help you get rid of bugs?

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Spider Stories Online

This story “Spider Warrior’s Masterpiece” .

Cover designed By: StoryDino

Special Thanks To: My two boys for their suggestion on the design 🙂