short stories online treasure hunt by storydino

Treasure Hunt

Short Stories Online

Iris is on a treasure hunt. What treasures do you think she will find?

Iris is a messy girl.

When she takes out her stationaries, she will drop a pencil or crayon on the floor and refuse to pick them up.

While playing with her cooking set, she leaves the tiny fork or spoon, pans and pots all around the floor.

Whenever she plays with her dolls, she will throw the doll clothes around the sofa, or on the bed.

You can even find her toys abandoned in the bath room!

Every time, when Iris cannot find her toys, she will ask her mum.

“Mummy, where is Bella?” Iris asked.

“Have you checked the living room, there are so many toys on the floor! If you kept your toys properly, you will find them easily.” Mum replied firmly.

“Now, you have to find Bella yourself.” Mum continued.

Iris sulked. The house is in a mess. “How am I suppose to find my favourite doll?” she sighed.

Iris went to her bed and pulled up her blanket. No Bella in sight. However, she found her toy ring whom she had been trying to find for a long time.

She was delighted.

Next, she flipped her pillows, her favourite card collections drop out from the pillow covers.

“Wow, this is like a treasure hunt!” She thought.

“Maybe I can start playing a game of treasure hunt to see what toys I can find. I will collect them all in my treasure chest box.” She thought to herself.

Next, Iris went to the living room. She found the treasures on the table, the floor and on the sofa. After a while, her treasure chest is almost full.

However, there’s still no sign of her doll, Bella.

“Is Bella playing a game of hide and seek?” She thought. “That sounds exciting! I am going to get you Bella!” She grinned.

Iris checked under the sofa. No Bella.

She checked behind the cupboard. No Bella again.

“Where could Bella be?” sighed Iris as she returned to her bedroom and jumped onto her bed. As she did so, one of her bolsters fell to the ground. She bends over to pick the bolster up.

Suddenly, she spotted something under her bed. She wriggled under the bed to reach it. “There you are! I found you, Bella!” Iris exclaimed.

“Naughty Bella, I thought I lost you.” giggled Iris. “Look, now we have space here. Will you stay beside me on the bed?” Iris said, with a sweet smile.

Goodnight Bella, sweet dreams.

Short Stories Online Storydino

Short Stories Online ~ Let’s Discuss

Learning About Habits

  1. Do you have the good habits of keeping your toys after you play?
  2. Does your parents need to remind you to do so?
  3. If yes, remember to keep them at the correct places every time after playing so you can find them easily. Also, toys on the floor can be a hazard. You don’t want to slip and fall when you step on them. So do keep a good habit of keeping them well!

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Cover designed By: StoryDino

Special Thanks To: My two boys for their suggestion on the design 🙂