short stories with morals

Unexpected Reward

Short Stories on Morals

Will you help someone in need without rewards?

Monty, the monkey, was passing through the jungle on his way to school when he came across Grandma sheep wandering with a worried look on her face. She seemed lost. Monty mused to himself, “Perhaps she might need some help.”

Monty decided to approach Grandma sheep, and he asked, “Grandma sheep, do you need help?”

“I lost my suitcase. Could you help me find it? I have all of my most treasured possessions in there.” Grandma sheep responded sadly.

“Don’t worry, granny. I will help you!” Monty starts their search across the forest, beginning with the trees and moving on to the shrubs and bushes.

From a distance, Monty could make out a bench somewhere in the forest clearing. It seems as though something was on the bench. Monty hurried over to check. “I found it! I found it!” Monty exclaimed. He was ecstatic to have discovered grandma sheep’s bag that he lifted it high up to give a signal to grandma sheep, who was searching for her bag some distance away from Monty at the time.

Granny sheep was overjoyed. “I can’t thank you enough. You are such a great help.” Grandma sheep said. Monty replied I’m delighted you got your suitcase back.” He broke into a grin.

While he was still feeling happy to find the suitcase, Monty suddenly realised that he needed to get to school quickly or he would be late. His teacher is going to be unhappy with his tardiness. “Grandma sheep, I need to get to school as soon as possible. You know the way back, right?” Monty asked.

“Yes, I do. You had better get going to school right away.” Grandma sheep replied. Monty waved goodbye and dashed off to his school. However, he was already late.

“Monty! You are late.” The class teacher, Ms Fiona, retorted.

“Ms Fiona, I was late because…” before Monty could explain, Ms Fiona cut him off. “No excuses. You will have to remain in the office until the end of the school day for detention!” Ms Fiona exclaimed. Monty was upset since he would miss his favourite soccer practice that day.

As if this was not enough punishment for his lateness, the principal stopped by the class and asked Monty to see him in his office. “Oh dear, what is going on? Am I going to get even more disciplinary actions taken this time?” Monty thought to himself. He followed the principal to the office as requested.

When he arrived at the office, he noticed that his parents were already waiting for him. Monty was shocked. His parents will be so disappointed and upset with him.

“I’m sorry, Mom, I ran to school as fast as I could today,” Monty explained to his mum. Instead of reprimanding him, his mother replied, “My dear, you made me incredibly proud.” Monty was confused. Why would his parents be pleased with the fact that he was late?

The headmaster smiled and said, “Your mother is proud of you, not because you are late today. We knew why you were late. Grandma sheep specially came to school to commend you for being so helpful. She has requested the school give you an award for being so helpful.”

We want to applaud you for your kind act.

“So, would I be able to go for my soccer practise today?” Monty asked hopefully.

“This time, we will give you one chance as you were late for good reason. However, you must remember to be on time next time.” The principal reminded him firmly.

Monty could not contain his happiness. He quickly went to prepare for his soccer practice; naturally, he was aware that he must not be late for the soccer training.

short stories with morals

Short Stories on Morals ~ Let’s Discuss

Learning About helping someone in need

  1. Will you help grandma sheep if you were Monty even though you may be punished for being late?
  2. Would you expect to receive a reward if you are late?
  3. Is being late acceptable, even though you have a reason?
  4. How will you feel if someone is late to meet you when you have agreed a time with them?

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This story “Unexpected Reward” .

Cover designed By: StoryDino

Special Thanks To: My two boys for their suggestion on the design 🙂