short stories on kindness post

Poppin’s Dream Come True

Short Stories On Kindness

Poppin the wooden puppet needs to fulfil three conditions for his dreams to come true. Will he succeed?

Poppin, the puppet’s greatest wish, is to transform into a human. Every day, he learns and practices how humans communicate and perform tasks. However, no matter how much time and effort he puts into developing these human skills, others will always recognize him as a puppet. Soon, words spread in town about Poppin’s hard work.

His dedication touched the heart of Sasha, the fairy. One night, while Poppin was standing near his window and gazing at the sky, Sasha flew towards him. Poppin was surprised to come face-to-face with a fairy as he had never seen one. “Hi, my name is Sasha. I heard about your story and wished to help you fulfil your wish,” Sasha said while flying around Poppin. This made Poppin a little dizzy, and he rubbed his woody eyes a few times to ensure he didn’t imagine things.

“Wow. Fairies are real, after all! Hi Sasha, my name is Poppin.” Poppin replied after realizing that he was not hallucinating. “You are helping me to fulfil my wish?” Poppin continued in amazement.

“Yes, I am moved by your efforts to learn to become human. I will help you achieve that. However, I have a condition.” Sasha said.

“What is it? I will do whatever you ask for to become human.” Poppin got excited just thinking about it. Sasha replied, “You need to do three good deeds. After you complete them, your wish will come true.” As soon as Sasha had finished what she had to say, she vanished.

After some reflection, Poppin asked himself, “What kind of good deeds can I perform?”

The following day, Poppin went to the market as usual with the fairy’s words constantly in his mind. When he saw an elderly man carrying heavy loads and having difficulty walking, he went over and asked, “Hi Sir, this stuff seemed heavy. I can help you carry to your place.” The elderly man was glad. He said, “Thank you. You are very kind.” Poppin smiled and carried that heavy load, constantly adjusting and panting until he reached the older man’s home. Although it was tiring, he had a feeling of happiness that he had never experienced.

This new emotion motivates Poppin to be more enthusiastic about helping others. After he sent the old man back home, he continued strolling down the market alley. This time, he found a lady who looked panicky. “Do you need some help?” Poppin asked.

The lady replied, “I lost my pouch containing some important stuff.” Poppin said, “I will help you find. But, where could you have dropped it?”

“I was walking from my home to buy groceries. The next moment, I can’t find it.” The lady said.

“Seems like it could drop anywhere along the path from your home to the market.” Poppin responded. With this lead, Poppin requested for the lady to lead him to the path she had taken. Poppin meticulously searched all around the area, nearby the trail. After some time, Poppin seemed to see a small pouch far away from the grass patch. He ran over to check. “I found something! Is this flora pouch yours?” Poppin yelled.

“Yes, thank you so much!” the lady was delighted. “You are so helpful. May god bless you.” The lady smiled.

Poppin was delighted. “Another good deed is done.” He thought.

It was a tiring day but a productive day for him. Poppin went home feeling contented.

The next day, Poppin again hit the streets, hoping to fulfil his third good deed. As he ventured further near the canyon, he encountered a little boy sobbing. Poppin quickly went up to him and said, “Why are you crying, little boy?”

The little boy said, “My father and brother left our home to go fishing in the deep cave within the canyon to provide for us. However, they had gone for three days and have yet to return.” When Poppin heard this, he scampered to the cave entrance and said, “Don’t worry! I will go in to locate them!”

Poppin marched into the cavern, trying to navigate as he went deeper. The path within became more difficult as there were many fallen branches. Soon, Poppin went so deep inside that the sunlight could not enter and it was pitch dark. He could only hear the sound of water dripping in the background.

Poppin reasoned that since the father and brother wanted to catch fish, they should move towards the river. As long as he continues this path, he should be able to locate them! Poppin jumped into the water and drifted downstream along the water currents until he eventually reached the cave’s deepest end. Finally, he discovered the little boy’s father and brother!

The father and brother were surprised to see a wooden puppet entering the cave. However, they felt weak from starvation as they had already consumed most of their dried food and ration.

“I am here to bring the two of you back!” Poppin exclaimed. The fire the father and brother started was already dying off, and Poppin could tell they were freezing from the cold, damp cave. He needed to keep them warm with fire.

Without hesitating, he took a firm grip on the dying fire torch with one hand and lifted the father and brother with the other. Slowly, he guided them out of the cavern towards the cave entrance. Somehow, as the torch illuminated their path, the fire shined brighter and brighter as time passed.

After a long time, they were finally out of the cave! The little boy waiting anxiously outside was overjoyed to see his father and brother. However, he noticed that Poppin was gone! “Did you guys see Poppin, the wooden puppet?” the little boy asked. They shook their heads.

The little boy rushed to the cave’s entrance and took a second look. Eventually, he found a charred piece of wood on the ground. He understood what had happened. While trying to illuminate the path out of the cave and to keep his father and brother warm, Poppin had lighted himself to save them. The little boy felt sad and burst into tears. Teardrops kept flowing down onto the burnt wooden puppet.

Just then, Sasha, the fairy, appeared. With the boy’s tears, she chanted a spell. The next moment, a swirl of rainbow dust surrounded the wooden puppet, followed by a bright light so blinding that everyone had to shield their eyes.

Poppin coughed a little and then slowly opened his eyes. He came back to life! The little boy was overjoyed to see him alive and gave a firm pat on his back. “Ouch!” Poppin let out a shriek. “Why do I feel pain?” he thought, feeling confused.

Sasha, the fairy, flew over and announced, “Congratulations! You may wish to look yourself in the mirror.” Sasha said as she brought a mirror in front of Poppin.

Poppin remembered the three deeds that Sasha the fairy told him and the strange sensation of his pain. Excitedly, he took the mirror from Sasha and stared at himself.

“Wow! I am a real human boy now!” he cried.

He had tears of joy rolling down his cheeks for the first time.

The end. (You May Like: Sasha’s Graduation Magic Wand)

short stories on kindness post

Short Stories About Kindness ~ Let’s Discuss

Learning and Discussion Corner on Kindness

  1. Which is more important, hard work or kindness?
  2. Do you think it is Poppin’s hard work or kindness that gets his wish come true?
  3. If you were Poppin, what type of kind acts would you do to achieve your three good deeds?
  4. Do you know how to be kind? Here are some ways to be kind.

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This story “Poppin’s Dream Come True” is a Short Stories On Kindness.

Cover designed By: StoryDino

Special Thanks To: My two boys for their suggestion on the design 🙂

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