Short Stories For Children Fitness Post

Squawk’s Fitness Program

Short Stories For Children Fitness

Squawky came up with his new fitness program. Will you join him?

Squawk the Squirrel has recently gained the motivation to keep fit. However, she is unsure how. Hence, she goes around to ask others about their fitness secrets.

“Ms Cindy the Cheetah, how do you keep your physique so toned and gorgeous?” Squawky asked.

Ms Cindy replied, “I consume a lot of meat because it is a good source of protein. I do my best to stay away from fatty meats. I also enjoy going running. Running allows me to burn the extra energy I have.”

“Wow, thank you for revealing your fitness regime.” Squawky responded excitedly. She thought about the food she ate and realised she did not like having too many meats in her diet. As such, she decided to ask more people for their opinion.

Squawky came across the bulky muscled Gordon the Gorilla and quickly asked, “Mr Gordon, what kind of workout routine do you follow to keep your body in such great shape?”

Mr Gordon answered proudly, “Vegetables make up the bulk of my diet because I know they are an excellent source of fibre and nutrients. Even though I consume tons of vegetables, I can still get proteins from plant foods such as potatoes, peas, sweet potatoes, lentils, and pumpkin. In addition to that, I engage in regular physical activity such as boxing.”

“Thank you, Mr Gordon. That was informative.” Squawky nodded with a smile. She was happy because she loves eating plant-based food and is glad it can still give her the protein she needs to keep fit and build muscles.

“How long do I need to keep to the plan before seeing any difference?” She wondered. She researched more and realised that everyone adheres to a specific diet and stays active. Their diet includes protein derived from either animal or vegetable sources. In addition, they spend a good portion of their time engaging in activities they enjoy.

Squawky brainstormed a list of food she would eat throughout the week and the types of exercises she would like to embark on for her keep fit mission. With discipline, she is sure that she will be able to stick to eating only the healthy food she has listed.

However, Squawky did not know which exercises she liked. On Monday, she tried jogging. After only a short distance, she began to pant and was out of breath. Ultimately, she stopped and rested instead.

“I don’t think jogging is for me because it’s a workout.” She sighed.

On Tuesday, Squawky decided to go for a swim. Squawky can swim well, but she doesn’t like seeing her lovely tail wet. “I’m not a person who enjoys swimming.” She concluded.

On Wednesday, she took the time to think about what she may like. She possessed strong legs, which gave her both agility and speed and a good claw for gripping things.

After analysing, Squawky realised, “Maybe I can do gymnastics!”

On Thursday, Squawky began her gymnastics. She absolutely loved it! It became a routine that she thoroughly enjoyed. Over time, Squawky built up more strength and speed. She can now leap from branch to branch seamlessly at lightning speed. Along with her newly discovered fitness routine, she also started doing parkour.

After months of consistent practice and nutritious meal plans, she saw great results with her toned and robust physique. Squawky now understood, “With discipline and consistent hard work, you will achieve the strong physique you wish. I shall call this “Squawk’s Fitness Program”. Squawky smiled with satisfaction.

The end.

Exercise Stories For Preschoolers ~ Let’s Discuss

Learning and Discussion Corner for Children’s Stories for healthy bodies

  1. What do you eat in a week? Do you keep track of them?
  2. Are they healthy food? What is your favourite healthy food?
  3. What is your favourite exercise regime? Is there any sports you love?
  4. How do you think you can keep yourself fit? Here are some tips.
short stories for children fitness poster

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Short Stories For Children Fitness

This story “The Squawk Fitness Program” is a Short Stories About Exercise.

Cover designed By: StoryDino

Special Thanks To: My two boys for their suggestion on the design 🙂

Read exercise stories for preschoolers in our 5 Minutes short stories library!