Mr Puddin's Swimming Lesson

Mr Puddin’s Swimming Lesson

Short Bedtime Stories

Mr Puddin has an interesting way to teach swimming lesson. Let’s find out!

Mr. Puddin grew up by the seaside and is an excellent swimmer.

In one breath, he can swim from one island to the other island.

When he is in the water, he can dive deep into the sea bottom and glide around, just like a fish.

Everyone wants to learn to swim from Mr. Puddin.

Except One.

“No, I don’t want to go in the water,” he said. Bossie burst out crying until he almost filled a swimming pool with his tears.

“Don’t be afraid, look at me!” Mr. Puddin pounce onto the water and jump right in.

Even though Mr. Puddin is fat, he is as light as a butterfly when he swim the butterfly style in water.

Next, Mr. Puddin perform backstroke for a while.

He looked like he is sleeping on water, relaxing and basking under the sun.

After that, Mr. Puddin started waving his arms like a windmill, displaying freestyle swimming.

Finally, Mr. Puddin demonstrated breaststroke. When Bossie saw him doing it, he laughed hysterically.

However, Bossie still didn’t want to get in the water.

“No, I don’t want to go in the water. I’m scared,” he yelled loudly.

Mr. Puddin thought for awhile and went to his house. Minutes later, he came out with an interesting tool.

“See what I got you! Introducing the “swimming ring”!” He announced to everyone with a flashing smile. He gave Bossie the “swimming ring” and put it on his waist.

“Come into the water slowly.” Mr Puddin encouraged Bossie.

Bossie walked into the water cautiously. When he got into the water, he realised he was floating!

Bossie was excited and started bouncing and splashing the water.

A few moments later, he began sniffing around.

“What’s that sweet scent? It smelled like candy or chocolate.” He wondered.

Bossie followed the scent, and finally figured out that it came from the “swimming ring” Mr Puddin gave him.

Bossie couldn’t help himself, so he licked the swimming ring. The swimming ring turned out to be made of chocolate sweets!

Bite after bite, Bossie bit off pieces of the swimming ring. As the swimming ring got bitten off, it broke to pieces.

 Bossie fell straight down.

“Help, Mr. Puddin, teach me how to swim!” Bossie screamed.

“Good grief!” Mr. Puddin jumped into the water with a loud thud to help Bossie.

Mr. Puddin then instructed Bossie on the way to keep himself afloat and the swimming technique.

Bossie soon figured out how to swim.

“It’s not so hard to learn swimming!” Bossie said with pride, as he finished the last piece of the “swimming ring.”

Words spread, and more kids came to Mr. Puddin to learn how to swim. Everyone wanted Mr. Puddin’s “swimming ring”!

“Should I sell swimming rings instead of teaching swimming after all?” Mr. Puddin wondered, grinning to himself.

short bedtime stories on swimming

short Bedtime Stories ~ Let’s Discuss

Learning Swimming

  1. Do you know how to swim? How did you feel when you first started learning?
  2. Do you enjoy swimming?
  3. Which swimming technique do you use the most?
  4. If you need to overcome your fear of water, here are some tips to help you.

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This story ” Mr Puddin’s Swimming Lesson ” .

Cover designed By: StoryDino

Special Thanks To: Clip-Art Library