The Easy Way

One Minute Stories Before Nap

Will you take the easy way out?

Since it was farming season, Mr Cat had to get up early to plant seedlings in his paddy field before the sun got too hot. After sowing seeds for hours, his back began to ache. “I need to rest. My back hurts!” he frowned. Under a tree, Mr Cat found a cool place to rest. He was just about to sleep when he heard a “thump.”

Mr Cat got up and saw a dead mouse on the ground. The mouse must have accidentally hit the tree and fallen off of it. “A mouse! What a surprise! I can sell it for money at the market!” Mr Cat took the mouse and quickly went to the market to sell it.

“This is such an easy way to make money!” He thought. “All I have to do is sit under the tree and wait for the next mouse!”

The next day, he sat under a tree and watched his neighbours plant more seedlings.

“They look tired,” he said with a grin. He was happy about how he would spend his day.

As time passed, no mouse came dropping from the tree. “Hmm, the next mouse will be here soon. I will wait.” He thought.

So, he kept on waiting. But no mouse was running into the tree.

Soon, the neighbours planted their paddy fields, and the new plants began to grow.

Over time, Mr Cat’s field turned green with weeds. “Don’t wait anymore. The field is wasted, and you don’t know when the next mouse will appear!” the neighbours advised Mr Cat.

Finally, Mr Cat got tired of waiting and started working on his farm. He took out all of the weeds and replanted the seedlings. He missed the time when the crops would have grown because he was late. In the end, everyone except him had a good harvest.

Moral of the story:

You don’t get what you wish for; you get what you work for.

One Minute Stories Before Nap

One Minute Stories Before Nap ~ Let’s Discuss

Discussion Corner

  1. If you were Mr Cat, would you choose to wait for the mouse to drop from the tree?
  2. Is there a time where you choose to go for something without putting hard work? What was the outcome?
  3. Or maybe, is there a time where you have put in lots of hard work, but the outcome was not what you wanted. How do you feel and what do you think you could have done better?

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One Minute Stories Before Nap

This story “The Easy Way” .

Cover designed By: StoryDino

Special Thanks To: My two boys for their suggestion on the design 🙂