Written By A Single Mother,
With Love.

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mask prank cat with a mask short stories for kids

Mask Prank

There was a terrible disease that was spreading across the jungle. The disease caused people to be sick and tired. The animal kingdom issued a warning to all the animals living in the forest to stay home and refrain from mingling to reduce the spread of the disease.

Everyone was advised to put on a mask and to keep a distance from one another. While eating, they were required to be seated away from one another to prevent the spread of the disease.

When the news was announced, there was much confusion. Some animals rushed to purchase masks and stock up on their food supplies so they can avoid big crowds and stay home, while others were not worried about the disease and continued to party. They refused to adhere or listen to the warning issued by the animal kingdom.

The disease continued spreading fast. The animal kingdom had to make it mandatory for all animals to wear masks when they stepped out of their house. Some animals were upset by the sudden changes in their lifestyle, while others were forced to stay at home to avoid catching the disease.

All this while, the kitty cat was stuck at home and felt bored. “I need to do something to cheer everyone up!” He thought. Kitty had a plan. He began designing masks with different animal faces that are unique to each animal. There were pig’s nose, bird beak, bear face and many attractive mask designs.

After completing all the designs, Kitty could not wait to wear them to show the others. One day, Kitty had chosen to wear a wolf mask out.  While walking around the jungle, he spotted Mrs Sheep, who just came back from buying groceries for her family. Kitty wanted to greet Mrs Sheep and started to run towards her. When Mrs Sheep saw the wolf-masked Kitty charging at her, she screamed and dropped all her fruits on the ground before dashing off.

The loud screams attracted the attention of the nearby animals. Everyone rushed to see what had happened. Kitty quickly hid behind the trees while secretly laughing to himself. “That was fun.” He thought to himself.

Ms Sheep told the animals that she had met a scary-looking wolf on her way home. However, her scream scared the “wolf” off. Luckily for Mrs Sheep, she was not injured. The crowds helped pick up Mrs Sheep’s groceries and slowly dispersed.

After the previous incident, Kitty thought to do it again as he was bored at home, and it was thrilling to see how others react.  Therefore, he decided to put on the tiger mask and went to the forest garden.

Ms Hen was strolling along the garden path. This time, Kitty wanted to make it scarier by making a growling noise. When Ms Hen heard the noise, she froze for a while. Suddenly, Kitty jumped out from his hiding place behind a tree and chased after Ms Hen.

Ms Hen screeched at the sight of a tiger coming after her. However, she was too afraid to move. Her legs began shaking, and she fell to the ground. When Kitty saw, he suddenly let at some laughter before turning back and running away. When Ms Hen heard the laughter, she found it strange that it did not sound like a tiger.

Soon, everyone in the jungle started discussing the recent creature who came and left. “The size of the creature doesn’t change! but his face changes!” one animal said. The other commented, “His body looks like a cat.” 

They were upset by the incident and decided to form a group to catch the “creature”. Kitty was unaware that his deeds had enraged the community. He thought it was fun since he had been forced to stay home for so long to prevent the spread of disease.

One day, Kitty saw Duckling heading to school and decided to play the same prank on Duckling. This time, he wore his lion mask and followed Duckling. However, when he was about to pounce on Duckling, Mrs Sheep, Mr Cow, Ms Piggy went after the “lion” and pulled him. They then pinned him to the ground. Kitty wailed as he did not expect to be treated in this manner.

After that, Kitty was brought to the central jungle, and everyone gathered around him.  The wise elderly owl came and took off Kitty’s mask. Everyone was surprised to see it was Kitty. They whispered among themselves while pointing fingers at him. Elder owl reprimanded Kitty, but at the same time, he was impressed with how creative he was and the workmanship of his mask. The mask looked utterly realistic. No wonder the animals were tricked by it.

Since they were still amid a pandemic and the animal kingdom had difficulties getting everyone to wear a mask, the wise owl decided to ask Kitty to make more masks for different animals to encourage everyone to wear them by making it more fun.

Soon the animal kingdom started a new wave of fashion. Everyone wore a mask of different colours and designs. By placing creative designs with style, everyone found it trendy to be wearing those masks. With the assistance of everyone in the community, the disease was finally controlled.

The End.

Let’s Discuss!

  1. Have you tried designing your own animal mask? Which animal will you choose?
  2. Do you think it is right to do pranks on your friends? How do you feel if someone plays a prank on you?
  3. You may like more prank stories from our collection: Candy Prank

Wolf design: http://clipart-library.com/clipart/1231389.htm

Book Design: Fynn