Written By A Single Mother,
With Love.

Free Children Stories 5 mins Read

Lion's New Hair

Lion’s New Hairstyle

The Lion had massive, bushy and long frizzy hair. It had been a long time since he had a haircut. It looked unkempt and very messy. The scorching summer was too much to bear, and Lion longed for a haircut.

“I wish I have beautiful straight hair that looks neat!” he thought, “My hair looks horrible now!” Feeling annoyed by his hair, Lion decided to head to Rabbit’s barbershop to change his hairstyle.”I want a perm!” Lion requested. The Rabbit replied: “You have such beautiful hair. Why do you need to perm?”

Lion said, “I don’t like frizzy hair. Please straighten my hair instead, just like in the photo.” The Lion pointed at the photo in the magazine. It showed a horse with nice straight hair.

After a while, the hair was done. When Lion looked up and saw his finished straight hairstyle, he was disappointed. He did not like his new look. The latest hairstyle made him looked unfriendly with all the straight hair standing on his head.

Little Rabbit asked, “Then what kind of hair do you prefer?” Lion said: “I don’t want a curly one, nor a straight one.” Little Rabbit was confused. “It is neither curly nor straight. What kind of hairstyle is that?” she asked.
Rabbit thought for a while and said to Lion: “I got this. I will make your hair neither curly nor straight.”

Little Rabbit began to fix Lion’s hair. She permed, tucked, pulled and gel Lion’s hair. After a few hours, the hair was done.Little Rabbit said, “Let me introduce this hairstyle to you. This is called spike. It is neither curly nor straight.” Lion checked out his hair for some time. It looked like a star shape hair on his mane.

The more he stared at it, the more embarrassed he felt. Quickly, he covered his head and ran home for fear that others would see him.
On his way home, his new hairstyle caught many animals’ attention. Everyone was turning their heads and even pointing at him when he passed by as he looked different. One mouse shouted, “Mommy, look, that’s a star shape hair on Lion’s head.”

This made Lion very upset. He raced home to hide from the forest animals.Over the few days, Lion refused to step out of his house. He even skipped school as he was worried that other animals would laugh at him.
Mother Lion was very worried. She decided to take Lion to the barber to fix his hair.

When they reached the barbershop, Mother Lion ask Rabbit, “Can you make his hair back to his original look? I love the way his hair was, just like his handsome father.”

Soon, Lion restored his hair to his beautiful, voluminous hair. He broke into a big smile seeing his old hairstyle. Now, he no longer hates his hair. He remembered what his mother said: “Embrace your own beauty as this is your unique gift.”

The End.

free children's stories

Lion Stories For Children ~ Let’s Discuss

Learning and Discussion Corner

  1. According to University of Minnesota, the size and colour of the mane actually signals the lion’s fitness, much like a peacock’s feathers.
  2. Make a guess how many teeth lions have? Ans: 30.
  3. Lion usually roar between dusk and dawn to stay in touch with their companions and inform their location and strength to rivals.