Written By A Single Mother,
With Love.

5 mins Read Free Bedtime Stories

Is there a monster in the house

Is There A Monster In The House?

It was a warm afternoon. Mouse and rabbit were feeling a little bored from basking under the sun. Mouse came up with an idea, “Let’s go and explore the woods beyond.”

Rabbit hesitated and said, “That does sound fun. However, my mother told me dangers were lurking deeper in the woods.” Mouse assured her, “Don’t worry, we will not go too deep in. And we will be careful.” They both agreed and decided to pack some food in their lunch box before heading out.

Once they got their lunch box ready, they started to venture into the direction of the woods. It was a beautiful afternoon with bright sunlight. The forest woods was bustling with activities. The mouse and rabbit enjoyed the charming sight of the colourful flowers, the relaxing sound of flowing waters, and the music from the screeches of the bugs.

It was such a pleasant experience that they did not note how deep they had gone into the woods. Soon, they realize that the bustling sound slowly became softer. The sun lights that shone through to the forest floor became dimmer.

Feeling uneasy, the rabbit said, “Mouse, we seem to be going too deep into the forest. I am a little scared now.” Mouse replied, “Don’t worry, rabbit, we will be fine. Let’s explore further.”

The rabbit was reluctant but was afraid to go back alone. “Wait for me!” she called out to mouse before running forward to join him. After some time, they heard a loud strange noise coming from the path in front of them. Rabbit took a few steps back and whispered, “Mouse, we should leave now. There must be a monster in front.”

Being adventurous, the mouse said, “Or maybe it’s the sound from a giant. Let’s go check it out. Just be quiet and very careful.” Both of them approach the direction of the sound, and it led them to a wooden hut.
The wooden hut looked old and abandoned. The roof was a little tattered, and the house seemed to be swaying from side to side from the vibration of the loud strange noise.

“Ah! It’s a haunted wooden hut. There is such a thing in a fairy tale book.” The little mouse muttered. Rabbit nervously pulled the mouse from advancing forward. She said, “Don’t go in there, mouse! Maybe a monster is in there. It could hurt us!”

The curious mouse was so engrossed with investigating who was making this noise that he did not hear the rabbit. He continued towards the house and peeked through the window. Rabbit hurriedly followed. As the window was too dusty, they could not see clearly. The mouse went on to open the door gently. The door creaked a little and opened. Both of them tiptoed inside.

They followed the direction of the noise and saw a massive creature on the ground. Rabbit almost screamed but covered her mouth. She gasped and said, “Let’s go, mouse!” Instead of doing so, the mouse went nearer to the giant creature to see its appearance.

He started to giggled a little when he saw what it was. The mouse turned to the rabbit and said, “It’s Piggy!” Piggy was sleeping on the bed with its mouth open. When he breathes in the air, it makes a loud sound.
This is the mystery of the loud strange noise!

Mouse decided to inspect how Piggy made this noise. “It seems that there is a monster hidden in the mouth of this piggy.” said the little mouse. He put his head close to Piggy’s mouth and looked in.

When the snore sounded again, a strong air current blew the mouse up high, slammed him into the ceiling, and the mouse fell on the floor. “It’s the monster that hit me!” The mouse screeched and got up from the ground and fled with the rabbit. They didn’t stop until they were far away from the wooden house.

The mouse was so terrified that he had left his lunchbox in the hut. Just as he wondered if he should go back to the place, he saw the Piggy carrying their lunch box and running towards them. Both of them shrieked and said, “Ah! Monster, Run!” Piggy continued chasing and eventually caught up with them. He was so tired after the chase.

“Stop running. I can’t return you your lunch box if you keep running.” Piggy shouted from behind. When the rabbit and mouse heard it, they slowed down and eventually stopped. They turned back and looked at Piggy.

Piggy was already panting so hard and stood there. He sadly said, “I am not going to hurt you all. I don’t have a monster in my hut or anywhere. I have a bad snoring problem, and many of my friends left me alone in the wooden hut.” He looked down and started sniffing as he told them.
“Oh, I am so sorry to hear.” The mouse said. The little rabbit nodded, “You didn’t mean to snore. It’s not your fault.”

The Piggy lifted his head and smiled. Happily, he invited the mouse and the rabbit to the wooden hut as guests and ate delicious food together. Laughter filled the surrounding of the wooden house.

A little bird flew past and heard laughter coming from the wooden hut. He announced to everyone: “The wooden hut monster that used to make strange noise is now laughing!”

All the animals who heard the news rushed towards the wooden hut. They were curious about the strange house and discovered that it was just Piggy and his friends. Piggy invited everyone into the cabin to enjoy a delicious feast together.

“I am the happiest Pig in the forest!” Piggy told everyone.

The End.