Short stories for kids i will wait bedtime stories

I Will Wait!

Short Stories For Kids

There are strangers offering to bring Rosy the rabbit home from school. What should she do?

“Bye Rosy! See you tomorrow!”

Rosy the rabbit waved her friends goodbye, as she sat at the bench near the school. Rosy’s mum is late today. All her friends have left for the day with their parents.

Rosy waited patiently alone, watching the people walking past her.

“Good day, Rosy! Is your mother running late today? Would you like me to bring you home?” Aunty Duck, Rosy’s neighbours said, as she walked past the school and saw Rosy.

“Hello Aunty Duck. My mother told me to wait for her,” Rosy replied.

“Good little Rabbit, be cautious when you’re alone. If you need help, inform those around you.” Aunty Duck smiled, and walked away.

Rosy continued looking at the cars that gone past and the people strolling around the school area. Occasionally, she sat there in a daze while wondering when her mother will come.

She did not notice there is a strange figure who has been eyeing her for a while from a distance. As the area became less busy, the strange figure approached Rosy.

“Hello, little Rabbit!” the strange figure exclaimed. Rosy looked up.

“I am Uncle Fox. What are you doing here by yourself? Come on, I’ll take you home. Your mother and I are good friends.” Uncle Fox said.

Rosy replied, “I don’t know you and my mum has never told me about you!” Rabbit exclaimed.

“Your mother is busy and she asked me to fetch you,” lied the cunning fox.

“Are you really mummy’s friend?” Rosy hesitated.

The sly fox decided to act quickly. He grabbed Rosy’s hand and began pulling her towards the streets. “Yes, of cos, we are good friends. Don’t worry, I’ll take you to see your mother.” the fox assured Rosy.

Rosy was caught by surprise by the fox’s sudden force and strong pull. She felt terrified.

She kept pulling back against Uncle fox and shrieked, “My mother told me to wait. Let me call her right now.”

Just then, Mr Dogman heard the commotion. He approached them and break Uncle’s Fox hand off Rosy. “What is going on here?” He asked.

“Sir, I need to call my mother to check if she has asked her friend to pick me up from school.” Can I borrow your cell phone?” Rosy requested.

Mr. Dogman quickly pulls his phone from his pocket and hands it to Rosy.

The cunning fox was taken aback when his plan to dupe the rabbit failed. He quickly escapes while Rabbit is on the phone with his mother.

Rosy let out a sigh of relief.

However, she was unable to contact her mother. She returned the phone to Mr Dogma. “Do you need help to go home, Rabbit?” Mr. Dogma offered.

“Thank you for your phone, Mr Dogma. I will wait for my mother.” Rosy replied.

“Good little Rabbit, be careful.” If you need help, shout to attract attention from passer-by.” Mr Dogma said as he walked away.

As Mr Dogma leave, someone was approaching Rosy again.

“Come on, Rosy!” he exclaims.

Rosy’s face lit up when she hears the familiar voice.

It’s Greg! Rosy’s older brother. “Sorry I’m late. Mum told me to fetch you today and I almost forgot!”

“No more next time!” Rosy retorted.

“Alright alright! I’m hungry. Let’s go now!” Greg replied.

“So am I!” Rosy quipped.

The end.

short stories for kids i will wait

Short Stories For Kids ~ Let’s Discuss

Learning About Handling Strangers

  1. What will you do if you were Rosy? Will you go with the neighbour Aunty Duck, kind stranger Mr Dogma or Uncle Fox?
  2. How will you respond to others who offer to send you home without your family?
  3. Do you know what to do if strangers approach you to send you home?

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This story ” I will wait! ” .

Cover designed By: StoryDino

Special Thanks To: My two boys for their suggestion on the design 🙂