Written By A Single Mother,
With Love.

5 mins Read Free Short Stories For Kids

I want my candy

I Want My Candies!

Little Dino loves to eat. If the delicious food runs out, Mummy Dino has to stock up a lot, as Little Dino eats a lot!

After lunch, little Dino will snack on more biscuits and potato chips. During tea time, he will eat chocolates, candies and have Soda! Mother Dino is concerned about little Dino health. She chided him, “My dear, your teeth will hurt if you overeat candies and sweet snacks.”

The greedy little Dino replied, “It’s okay, Mom. I will be fine.” Little Dino ignored his mother and continued eating all the sugary, unhealthy snacks. Before heading to bed, he refused to brush his teeth too!

When Mother Dino repeatedly reminded him to brush his teeth, he dismissed his mother’s request. Mother Dino decided to hide all the chocolates and candies so that Little Dino will have lesser to eat. “I want my candies, Mother!” Little Dino began throwing tantrums each time his mother told him there was no more for him. Annoyed with getting lesser sugary snacks, Little Dino had a plan.

At night, when his parents were asleep. Little Dino sneaked out from his bed and tiptoed to the kitchen. He opened the fridge and ate the cakes or ice creams inside. Also, he rummaged through the cabinets to find the sugar jar. When he saw it, he was delighted. He began scooping spoonful after spoonful into his mouth. This went on night after night.

One day, little Dino woke up with a swollen cheek. “Ouch! My mouth hurts. What is happening? It is painful!” He sat on his bed and cried while holding on to his cheeks.

The fuss alerted Mother Dino. She came to his bedroom and asked, “What’s the matter? What’s wrong?” “Mom, my tooth hurts! My tooth hurts to death.” Little Dino replied sadly. Mother Dino replied, “Oh dear, you might have tooth decay. Open your mouth and let me see.” Little Dino did what he was told.

Indeed, Mother Dino could see some blackened tooth inside his mouth. “You need to visit the dentist. I can see some decay in your teeth, and only a dentist can help you.” Mother Dino explained.

“Is it going to hurt? I am scared to visit a dentist, Mom.” Little Dino exclaimed. “Don’t worry, dear. You might feel a bit of discomfort. But after that, the pain you are experiencing will be gone.” Mother Dino assured. Little Dino had no choice but to go with his mother to visit the dentist.

When they reached the dentist’s clinic, Little Dino was surprised by a warm welcome. “Hello there, Little Dino. Welcome to the clinic.” Dentist Hippo announced. “What can I do for you today?”

“My teeth are hurting so much. My mother told me only the dentist can help me. Can you help me fix my teeth, Dentist Hippo?” Little Dino asked. “Of course, my dear. Now lie on the seat here and relax. Open your mouth wide, and let me take a look first.” Dentist Hippo replied while adjusting the seats and switching on the light towards Little Dino’s mouth.

He examined the teeth of the little Dino and noticed that a few of his tooth was rotten. There were dark spots on other teeth as well. Dentist Hippo took out his tools and started scratching lightly on the tooth. “Hmm. Is that chocolate stains on your teeth?”

The little Dino felt embarrassed. He replied, “Yes, I had chocolate before going to bed.” Hippo Dentist said, “I know candies are delicious. However, you can’t have them too frequently as they will cause you tooth decay. Also, you need to make sure you brush your teeth after your meal and before you sleep. Floss your teeth at least once a day. Otherwise, you will have a toothache. Once you remove all your rotten teeth, you can’t eat more delicious food!”

The little Dino felt ashamed and said, “I know, I will never do this again.”
Hippo Dentist continued and said, “For now, I will save all your remaining teeth from going rotten.” With that, the Hippo Dentist took out tools to extract the decayed teeth for little Dino.

There was a lot of drilling and pulling noise as Hippo Dentist did the extraction. The experience was excruciating for little Dino. He learned his lessons well.

Since then, Little Dino takes good care of his teeth. He no longer eats candies. He also remembers to rinse his mouth and brush his teeth before bed!

The End.