Written By A Single Mother,
With Love.

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I need my tail_Free children's stories for kids

I Need My Tail!

One sunny afternoon, the baby lizard was playing in the forest alone under the hot sun. He was happily enjoying himself catching bugs without noticing his surroundings. A cat was lurking nearby and had been sneakily eyeing him.

Before he knew it, the cat pounced on him! The cat used its sharp paws and held on to the lizard’s tail. “Help!” He cried. He struggled as hard as he can. Instinctively, he dropped his tail. The cat tried to get hold of him, but the baby lizard quickly escaped into the grass and ran away.

As he continued to run, he fell on the grass near the river banks. He got up and looked back, “phew, the cat lost me.” He thought to himself with a sigh of relief. Covered in mud, he decided to wash up in the river.

When he was about to dip his hands into the river water, he saw his reflection in the water. “Oh dear, I have lost my tail. I need a new tail. If not, mummy will be upset with me!” He cried.

Just then, the baby lizard saw the fishes swimming in the pond.  He asked one of the fishes, “Mr fish, can I borrow your tail? I have lost my tail, and my mummy will be upset with me for losing it.” The fish replied, “Oh, I’m so sorry, dear, I can’t lend you my tail as I need them to swim in the pond.”

Baby lizard shook his head. Feeling disappointed, he walked to the forest in the hope to borrow a tail. When he reached a clearing, he saw a bird. He asked the bird, “Mr Bird, can I borrow your tail? I have lost my tail, and my mummy will be upset with me for losing it.”

The bird replied, “Oh, I’m so sorry, dear, I can’t give you my tail as I need them to fly in the sky.”

Baby lizard felt dejected. He wondered how he could get a new tail. As he continued wandering in the forest, he saw a monkey swinging from branch to branch. He called out to the monkey. “Mr Monkey, can I borrow your tail? I have lost my tail, and my mummy will be upset with me for losing it.”

The monkey replied, “Oh, I’m so sorry dear, I can’t give you my tail as you can see. I need to swing from branch to branch.

Baby lizard felt discouraged, but he realised that the sky was turning dark. He had to give up on finding a new tail as Mummy would be waiting for him for dinner. He was ready to break the news to his mum and face the responsibility for losing his tail.

When baby lizard came home and saw his mom, he broke into tears. “Mummy, I’m so sorry I lost my tail.”

Mummy lizard was concerned and asked, “What happened? Are you alright?”

Baby lizard told mummy lizard that a cat chased him and how he went to borrow tails from the different animals.

“Silly baby, our tails are unique to us. It will grow back again. Take a look at your tail now.” Said Mummy lizard.

The baby lizard turned his head and saw that he had now a tiny and short tail. Baby lizard felt embarrassed and replied, “Now that I know, I don’t need to borrow tail from anyone!”

The End.