Written By A Single Mother,
With Love.

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I Can Be Great Too!

The great forest is a magnificent place. In the early morning, the sun shined through the gaps between the leaves like a beautiful beam of light. The early fog shrouds the entire forest like a dreamy wonderland. Everything in the great forest is nothing but stunning.

However, this does not happen by chance. Everyone in the forest works very hard to make it a splendid place to be in. The woodpecker pecks quietly on the tree. No pest can hide from the long sharp beak of the woodpecker.

The ants pick up food around the forest. They break down the food into smaller pieces to speed up decomposition. This helps to fertilize the forest land. The bees fly from flowers to flowers to collect food and at the same time pollinate them so the flowers can bloom and grow. Everyone seems to have a mission in contributing to the dazzling forest, except one.

The little caterpillar had been sitting alone behind a big tree, watching everyone bustling around in the forest. He thought to himself sadly, “I don’t have the long beak of a woodpecker, nor am I able to fly like the bees to collect nectar. I am not of any help.” The more he thought about it, the more discouraged he was.

Soon, it was nighttime. The little caterpillar decided to go home. However, he started to feel very hungry. This frustrated him more, as he was unable to help and could not contribute to anything. Yet, all he felt was being hungry. He was upset about himself.

When he reached home, his mother realized that he did not seem too happy. Mother butterfly asked, “ Is everything going on well for you, little one?” Little caterpillar replied tearfully, “Mother, I don’t know what I am good at. I cannot help in any way.” Mother butterfly told the caterpillar.

“That is not true, my dear. Everyone has something they are good at. Some day you will realize this. Eventually, you will learn so. As you grow up, you will definitely be able to contribute to the great forest.”

The little caterpillar felt better after chatting with his mother. Over the next few days, he spends his time happily eating and chatting with his friend, Darmera, the umbrella plant. They knew each other during a light rain season. However, that is another story.

When autumn came, the caterpillar suddenly had a stomach ache. He did not feel well and began to pile himself up under many layers of blanket. He could not eat a single thing for days. He continued resting for days after days and had many dreams. In his dream, he was delighted, visiting all his friends. He slept for a long, long time.

Finally, winter is over. Caterpillar removed his blanket, and he felt different. He realized he has wings now! He started flapping a little. Now he can fly! Feeling excited, he flew to the pond nearby to look at himself using the reflection from the water. Now he has transformed into a beautiful butterfly.

The Butterfly flapped his wings happily and went from flower to flower to collect nectar. “Now, I can do my part to make the great forest a marvellous place. I can be great too!” Butterfly declared excitedly.

The End.