Written By A Single Mother,
With Love.

5 mins Read Free Bedtime Stories For Kids

Goose looking into mirror free bedtime stories for kids

Gosling The Thief

Duckling, chick and gosling were neighbours. They played with each other every day and were best of friends.

One day, mother duck gave duckling a  beautiful blue bow. Duckling loved the bow and wore it day and night. When he went out to play with chick and gosling, he wore it to show them. Both chick and gosling were very envious when they saw it. Gosling thought to himself, “if I had such a beautiful bow, it would be great!”

At night, gosling could not sleep. He kept thinking about the stunning blue bow. Then, he decided to borrow the blue bow quietly. Gosling sneaked into the duckling’s house and stole duckling’s bow while everyone was asleep. Once he got hold of the bow, he was so excited.

“I can’t wait to put it on!” He exclaimed. When he reached home, gosling carefully put on the blue bow on his neck. “How gorgeous! I look charming with this blue bow. It is perfect for me!” He smiled with satisfaction as he adjusted the blue bow and posed in front of his mirror to admire the blue bow. When he took it off finally, he was hesitant to return the bow. “I shall borrow for a few days.” He thought. 

The next few days, the duckling was upset about his missing bow thinking he had misplaced it. When duckling told his mum, he got a scolding for being careless. No one knew where the bow was.

A few days later, chick received a bright orange ball from his dad. It was a bouncy ball with cool prints on it. Chick was so excited with the gift that he quickly brought it out to show gosling and duckling. Both of them were very envious of chick, especially gosling. He thought to himself, “if I had such an orange ball, it would be great!”

At night, gosling kept thinking about the ball and could not sleep. The greedy gosling planned to go into the chick’s house to steal the orange ball. When he went home with the ball, he was so excited that he practised balancing and bouncing the ball on his head. “I am so good with handling balls. This ball is excellent for me!” he exclaimed. “I shall borrow it for a few days.” He smiled.

The following day, chick wanted to bring the orange ball out to play with his friends. However, no matter where he searched, he could not find the ball. He was depressed and cried.

Duckling comforted him as he understood how the chick felt. He then told the chick about his missing bow. “We need to learn to take good care of our things in future, chick.” Duck said.  All this while, gosling, who was standing nearby, kept quiet.

Deep down, he felt terrible as both duckling and chick were his friends. However, he could not bear to return the items. Days passed, and the three friends forgot about these incidents.

A few weeks later, it was gosling’s birthday. He had invited both duckling and chick to his house for his birthday celebration. On this particular day, gosling took care of his appearance to look good.

He decided to wear his new clothes with a blue bow. Gosling had forgotten entirely that the bow originally belonged to duckling. After getting all dressed up, duckling admired himself in the mirror. “I am looking stunning today!” He grinned.

Just then, the doorbell rang. Gosling ran to open the door enthusiastically. “Happy Birthday!” Duckling and chick exclaimed, handling a nicely wrapped gift to gosling with a big smile.

However, the blue bow on gosling’s neck caught duckling’s attention and dimmed his smile. “Thank you, duckling and chick! Welcome!” Gosling said while ushering both of them into the house.

Duckling was bothered by the bow on gosling’s neck. “The blue bow looked exactly like my lost bow.” He thought to himself. However, he kept quiet as he did not wish to accuse his friend.

Both chick and duckling toured gosling’s house and went into his room to play with his toys collection while enjoying the cakes, candies and snacks. While rummaging through the toy box for some toys to play with, the chick saw the orange ball he lost.

“Why do you have this ball?” asked the chick as he lifted the ball.

There was an awkward silence. Gosling stammered and replied, “I…I got it as a gift from my mum.”

Chick inspected the ball and immediately recognised the ball was his. The ball had his name initialled as his dad had customised it.

“No way, this ball has my initials with my name. My dad did so for me.  Why did you lie?” Chick questioned.

Gosling was speechless. He did not know that the ball was customised and thought it was a design.

Duckling then raised his courage and asked, “How about the bow? Where did you get it? It looks exactly like the one I lost.”

This time, gosling remained quiet. The atmosphere in the room became very awkward.

Chick and duckling looked at each other and guessed what had happened.

“Did you steal our things?” Chick and duckling asked in unison.

Gosling shook his head in shame.

This made chick and duckling furious. They did not expect their good friend to steal their things. Both of them claimed their items and left gosling’s house.

Gosling felt horrible about what happened. Later that day, he wrote a card and left it outside chick and duckling’s house to seek forgiveness. He was unsure if chick and duckling would forgive him, but he promised never to do it again.

The End.

Let’s Discuss:

  1. Do you ask forgiveness when you do something wrong?
  2. What would you have done if you are Gosling?
  3. Will you forgive Gosling if you are chick or duckling?

Bedroom background: Designed by brgfx / Freepik

Goose: http://clipart-library.com/clipart/goose-cliparts_18.htm

Mirror: http://clipart-library.com/clipart/standing-mirror-cliparts_13.htm

Book Design By: Fynn