Written By A Single Mother,
With Love.

3 mins Read. Free Short Stories.

free short stories mouse and durian

It’s dinner time!  The two mice, Jerry and Tommy, were waiting patiently for their parents to be home. Both were feeling hungry, but they were warned not to step out of the house as it was unsafe. They continued playing in their mouse hole when suddenly, a stench caught their attention. “Did you smell something bad, Jerry?” Asked Tommy while pinching his nose.

“Did you flush the toilet when you use them earlier?” continued Tommy, as he frowned at his younger brother. “Of course I did!” Jerry exclaimed. “Didn’t that horrible stench came from you? Did you let out some gas?” Jerry asked. “No, I did not.” Tommy retorted. 

Just then, their father and mother came back. “Children, we are back. Look what we got.” Father said, seemingly excited to share what he found.

The two brothers rushed to greet their parents and was immediately repelled by an unbearable pungent smell near their parents. “It stinks!” The little two mice shrieked as they hurried away into their blanket to hide from the smell.

Mother mouse smiled. “It’s the durian season. We are lucky we can get one or two of this lovely fruit. Try it. You will like it.”

The two mice were feeling too hungry and had no choice but to eat their parents’ food. They came out of their blankets and suspiciously stared at the thorny and smelly fruit. The spiky fruit looked like a pointy sharp ball monster. Tommy did not seem very pleased with tonight’s dinner. He was thinking of going to bed empty stomach without even trying.

Dad and mom prepared the utensil and plates to get ready to serve dinner. The brothers could see their parent’s beaming delight and the excitement they exude from serving this dinner. The two brothers weren’t at all thrilled.  It was nonetheless the first time the two little mice tried on such a foul-smelling fruit.

After using a knife to cut the durian, the father mouse used all his strength to try and pry the fruit open. He managed to create a small opening. The stench rushed out to fill the whole house. After struggling for some time, father mouse finally fully opened it. A roll of neat yellow mushy looking flesh can be seen. Inside the durian, there were a few different compartments of yellow mushy flesh from the fruit.

“Try it, children. You will fall in love with the taste.” Said, mum. It was a rare chance to get a durian treat as it was scarce and not readily available. Mother began by taking the lead. “It’s creamy, aromatic and bittersweet! What nice durians!” Mother was enjoying the durians so much that it spikes the two brother’s curiosity.

At first, the two mice refused to open their mouth. After much persuasion and seeing how their parents were enjoying them, they decided to give it a try.

Tommy musked his courage and looked at his brother. Then he said, “If I die today, I love my family.” While saying that, the whole family laughed. They knew that the fruit is edible and a delicacy for some instead.

Tommy sulked and opened his mouth reluctantly while holding his breath. However, when the fruit hit his tongue, his eyes shimmered. He then took a second bite and then the third bite. The taste of the durian gave him a pleasant surprise. He did not expect that such pungent fruit to taste so good.

Seeing his brother enjoying the fruit, Jerry also started to try the fruit. He pinched on his nose and nipped a bit of the mushy flesh into his mouth. It wasn’t as bad as he thought.

Everyone started to feast on the durian, and soon, they finished up the fruit and craved for more.

“I want more durians!” Jerry cried. Daddy mouse laughed. “I know you will love durian; I have already gotten some hidden away. However, we cannot have them too frequently as you will get a sore throat and fall sick if you eat too many.”

From then, the two mice looked forward to the durian seasons where the family would be able to feast on such a creamy, savory and bittersweet fruit!

The End.

Let’s Discuss!

  1. Have you tried durian before? Do you like them?
  2. Where do you think durian came from? More information here.
  3. Do you know any buildings that looks like a durian? There is a building in Singapore called Esplanade that shaped like a durian.

Mouse design: Designed by pch.vector / Freepik

Book Design By: Fynn