fairy tale stories for kids

Sleeping Beauty

Fairy Tale Stories For Kids

The princess grows up after returning from Rumpelstiltskin.

To mark their success in correctly identifying Rumpelstiltskin and reclaiming their daughter, the king and queen decided to throw a grand party. Everyone in the kingdom was invited, except the wicked witch, who lives in the woods.

The day of the celebration soon arrived. Everyone gathered around the cradle to admire the baby princess. “When she grows up, she will look gorgeous.” Everyone agreed. They took turns to offer their best wishes for the princess.

All of a sudden, the light went off. Strong wind started blowing into the castle and causing havoc. The next moment, the wicked witch appeared uninvited into the castle. “Well, well, well. It seems I wasn’t invited to this joyous occasion.” She said.

Out of anger, she took out her wand and chanted, “My wishes for the princess, is that when she turns sixteen, she will prick her fingers on a spindle and die.” The witch laughs hysterically and disappeared.

A wizard present at the party attempted to undo the witch’s curse. “The witch’s curse is too powerful,” he said after exhausting all of his powers. “I am unable to remove the curse, but I am able to lessen its impact. When the princess reaches the age of sixteen, she will fall asleep indefinitely until a fateful prince comes along and breaks it.”

Since that day, the king and queen were worried about the curse, and issued an order to destroy every spindle and spinning wheel in the kingdom to protect the princess from the evil curse. Years passed, the princess grew to become a beautiful and kind lady. Everyone in the kingdom seemed to have forgotten about the witch’s spell a long time ago.

One day, the princess was wandering in the garden near the castle when she noticed a strange cottage. “I’ve never seen this cottage here before.” She wondered. Curious, she decided to investigate. As she got closer to the door, she noticed it wasn’t locked. She slowly opened the door and peered inside. Then she decided to enter.

To her surprise, an elderly lady was spinning on the spinning wheel inside the cottage. “”I apologize for entering your home without your permission.” The princess said.

“Don’t worry. You are welcome to visit my humble house.” The old lady replied.

“Don’t mind me asking, but what are you doing?” said the princess. I’ve never seen anyone use this unusual wheel before.”

“I am spinning straw into gold, just like your mother did when she was a young woman,” the old lady replied.

“Can my mother do that?” The princess was taken aback. Nobody told her about Rumpelstiltskin or the celebration that had become a curse years before.

“Would you be interested in giving it a try, honey?” The wicked witch asked. “Yes, would you please guide me?” the princess replied.

“Of course.” The witch grinned.

As soon as the princess sat down, she accidentally poked herself with the spindle. The princess collapsed to the ground and fell asleep. At the same time, the entire kingdom began to doze off. The wizard who came to the rescue years ago sensed the curse and help to cast another magical spell to protect the entire kingdom. He chanted his spell and soon, rose bushes and climbing vines, obscured the entire castle.

Hundred years past by until one day, a brave prince rode past the area while coming back from one of his missions. The chirping birds flying through the breath-taking flora piqued his interest. “There seemed to be a path inside, but it was overgrown with dense bushes.” The prince pondered. He plucked one of the flowers from the bushes, and the wizard’s spell was instantly broken.

The tree branches began to fall away on their own, revealing a path. The prince was surprised and decided to explore the area. As he went deeper into the clearing, he was shocked to discover that everyone was sound asleep. He knocked on the table and called out to everyone, hoping to wake one of the housekeepers. Despite this, nobody opens their eyes.

He was about to leave when he heard a noise that drew his attention. He then noticed a shadow of what appeared to be a small man. He followed the strange man who was flickering his finger to direct him to the cottage.

As the Prince made his way into the cottage, the mysterious little man vanished. The handsome prince discovered the stunning princess fast asleep next to the spindle. A small amount of blood was still dripping from the pricked finger. The prince planted a kiss on the princess without much thought in an attempt to stop the blood flow.

At this moment, the curse was broken! The princess slowly opened her eyes and was in utter disbelief about what had happened. The elderly lady had disappeared, but there was a handsome prince standing next to her. Everyone was confused, but it appears that they have returned to doing what they did a century ago! They haven’t realized how much time has passed!

The wizard appeared, and told the King what happened and how the prince lifted the curse. The King was glad and ask the prince to marry the princess to thank him for saving everyone.

The prince gladly agreed and they live happily ever after.

fairy tale stories for kids

fairy tale stories for kids ~ Let’s Discuss

Discussion Corner

  1. In Disney, Sleeping Beauty is also called Princess Aurora or Briar Rose.
  2. Do you know that there is this thing called a “Sleeping Beauty Syndrome“? The medical name is called Kleine-Levin syndrome (KLS). It is a rare disorder that causes recurring periods of excessive sleepiness. In some cases, this means up to 20 hours a day are spent sleeping.

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fairy tale stories for kids

This story “Sleeping Beauty” .

Cover designed By: StoryDino

Special Thanks To: My two boys for their suggestion on the design 🙂