Written By A Single Mother,
With Love.

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Do You Dare

Do You Dare?

Something had been bothering Father Mouse and Mother Mouse. They were troubled that the little mouse was so timid. Everywhere he went, he was afraid. “Can you come with me to the washroom, Mummy? I am scared that a goblin was hiding in the mirror.” exclaimed the little mouse.

Mother mouse would say: “There is nothing in the bathroom. Look, I will go to the bathroom!” After a while, she came out and said, “Look, I am fine! There is nothing! “

When he went to the kitchen, he would say, “Can you come with me to the kitchen, Daddy? I am worried that a beast might be waiting to pounce on me.” Father mouse would say: “There is nothing in the kitchen. Look, I step into the kitchen!” After a while, he came out and said, “Look, I am fine! There is nothing there! “

Every night before he went to bed, he would say, “Would you sleep with me, mummy and daddy? I am terrified that the monster would be hiding under the bed.” Both parents sighed and hoped that little mouse had more courage.

Daddy mouse comforted him and said, “I’ll sleep in a room by myself tonight and show you!” The following day, Daddy mouse came to the little mouse: “Look, didn’t I sleep alone last night? Nothing happened!”
The little mouse shook his head: “I am scared. You are adults. That is why you are not afraid.”

Father mouse and Mother mouse wanted to help little mouse overcome his fear. After thinking, Father mouse came out with an idea! Father mouse said to little mouse: “Mother and I will lend you a little bit of our courage, and when your courage become stronger in the future, you will return the courage to us.”

“Really, great! Thank you, Mom and Dad!” said the little mouse happily, “But, how do you borrow it?” He asked. “Don’t worry, when you fall asleep in a nap, we will put our courage into your heart,” said Daddy mouse. Little mouse agreed.

In the afternoon, the little mouse woke up after taking a nap. Father and mother mouse told him, “We had put courage in your heart just now, and now your courage is bigger than ours! If you don’t believe me, go to the bathroom and try!”

Little mouse hesitated but walked to the bathroom alone. After a while, he walked out of the bathroom: “I have the courage! There’s nothing in the bathroom!”

“Now try in the kitchen!” said Mother mouse. Little mouse walked into the kitchen alone and walked out, “I am not afraid to enter the kitchen too. I really have a lot of courage now!”

At night, the little mouse slept alone for the first time. The following day, he ran out of the bedroom and yelled happily: “It’s not scary sleeping alone!”

Father mouse and Mother mouse looked at each other and smiled. Father mouse said: “You are so brave little mouse. Courage is not a thing that can be borrowed. We did not loan you courage at all. You are fearless!”
Little mouse eyes widened: “Really? All this while I am courageous, but I did not try…”

“That’s right!” Father mouse intercepted him.
“Now, do you dare to go to the bathroom alone?”
“Yes!” the little mouse replied loudly.
“Do you dare to go to the kitchen alone?”
“Of course!”
“Do you dare to sleep alone?”

Do you dare?