Children Stories on Self Esteem

Squawky’s Hidden Talent

Children’s Stories On Self Esteem

Can you guess what is Squawky The Squirrel’s Hidden Talent?

Squawky, the squirrel has a chubby physique. Although she is a little plump, Squawky has the fluffiest tail and a big, black and beautiful shiny pair of eyes. Not only that, Squawky has a wonderful personality; she is good-natured, polite, gentle and generous. Yet, Squawky does not seem to have friends.

“The chair would give way if Squawky sits on it.” One of her classmates would say. “If Squawky wants to stay full, she ought to consume the equivalent of a truckload of food daily.” Another would say. Squawky endured continual ridicule and laughter due to her size.

Her classmates find her unattractive. They failed to recognize her fluffy tail, shiny eyes, or great personality!

Many people were unaware that Squawky had a voice that could mesmerize an audience. Squawky had always loved singing, but she lacked the confidence to sing in public because she was self-conscious about her appearance. She was frightened that people would criticize her voice, so she never sang in public.

One day, the school organized a singing competition. Everyone was very excited. This competition is the best opportunity for the vocalists to showcase their talent while also gaining recognition for themselves as artists.

Squawky was very interested but worried about how she looked and what remarks her classmates could make about her. However, she is passionate about singing and finds it hard to give up. After thinking, she’s got an idea! She would wear a masquerade to cover up her face!

Soon, the day came. Everyone who participated took turns performing their songs. Squawky was very nervous backstage and tried hard to calm her nerves. She could hear the crowd cheering and clapping for each contestant. Finally, it was Squawky’s chance to take the stage and perform! Everyone wondered who this mysterious person was when she appeared on stage, with her masquerade and gorgeous fluffy tail. However, when she started singing, her melodious voice enchanted the audience.

The crowd quietened down to hear her voice. After she completed her singing performance, there was a moment of silence. Her first thought was that people were judging her appearance; as such, there was an awkward silence; What she didn’t know was that everyone was captivated by her voice. Squawky started to feel self-conscious due to the audience’s lack of response, but just as she was about to exit the stage, everyone applauded and cheered for her! There was even a standing ovation!

The crowd began to chant, “Encore, encore …”

Squawky could not believe her ears. She was about to leave the stage when the host stopped her. “Would you kindly remain here and perform another song for the audience?” Squawky nodded.

Squawky followed with a second song, and the audience was mesmerized by her voice. When the host announced the winner of the singing competition, Squawky won the first prize!

“Please remove your masquerade and show us your face!” one audience shouted.

Soon, the excited audience began requesting Squawky to reveal who she was and divulge her identity.

Squawky was hesitant, but she knew the audience would be disappointed if she did not do so. Slowly, she took off her mask.

“Hey, that’s Squawky!” One of her classmates called out. The host replied, “We thank Squawky for her outstanding performance. This singing competition has been great to recognize talents like Squawky, who can sing well and have a beautiful fluffy tail!”

Squawky blushed. The audience gave loud applause, and this gave Squawky a confidence boost. From then on, everyone started to imitate Squawky’s fluffy tail style, quickly gaining popularity among the students. Squawky became more confident as she now knew that she possessed attributes that other people valued.

The end.

children's stories on self esteem

Self Esteem Ideas ~ Let’s Discuss

Learning and Discussion Corner

  1. Have anyone laugh and make fun of you in school? What do they say about you and how do you feel?
  2. What will you do when someone make fun or use words to hurt you?
  3. Sometimes, others say things to hurt us. However, like Squawky, she finds confidence in the things she loved to do, which is singing. How about you? Do you have something you really love doing and do it well? If you do, you are great!
  4. Here are some tips for parents to help their kids if you feel that need to build their self-esteem and confidence.

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This story “Squawky’s Hidden Talent” .

Cover designed By: StoryDino

Special Thanks To: My two boys for their suggestion on the design 🙂

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