children's stories about gratitude post

A New Pair Of Shoes

Children’s Stories About Gratitude

Matt learned about the value behind getting a new pair of shoes.

Matt and his mother are poor and live together in a small house. His mother struggled every day to work hard so she could put food on the table. They were so poor that Matt’s shoes were all tattered and torn. Each time, his mother would help to mend the shoes as best as she could.

One day, Matt came home from school crying.

“I want a new running shoe”, Matt sobbed.

“Sophia has a new shoe, and she said my shoes are old and ugly.” Matt continued.

“Matt, we couldn’t afford new shoes.” His mother comforted him. “Maybe we can see if any of our neighbours will throw their shoes away that could be in better condition than yours.”

Matt nodded. Even though he understood their situation, Matt secretly wished for a brand new pair of shoes.

A few days later, Matt and his mum were at the market where his mother was trying to sell some of the vegetables she picked in the woods. Business was not so good that day. Therefore, his mother decided to close early for the day. She turned to Matt and said, “Matt, I know you want a pair of new shoes. Since we have a bit of time today,  let’s go and buy it.”

Matt was thrilled. This would be the first time he bought a new pair of shoes. He was overjoyed and went to a few shoe stores to admire the shoe models. All the shoes seemed to look great.

“Mum, I love this pair of running shoes.” Matt finally decided after some time of shoe hunting. His mother lifted the shoe to examine the design and flipped it under to check the price tag. When she saw the price, she frowned. The shoe price is almost equivalent to one month of their food expenses. She replied, “Matt, it’s costly. How about we get another cheaper pair?”

“But I really want them. Mum, Sophia had the same brand!” Matt continued, trying to convince his mum to buy them for him.

Matt’s mother hesitated for a while. “They are very lovely indeed. Let’s buy them.” Deep down, Matt’s mum knew that once she bought this,  she would have to work extra hours of overtime every day on top of her little time. However, she could not help but want to do something for her son.

Matt could not wait to put on his new pair of branded shoes when they reached home. He wore them and strutted around in the house to show off to his mum. “I will be able to run the fastest with these new running shoes! My friends would be so envious to see my new shoes!” He exclaimed. His mother smiled.

A few days later, Matt’s mum told Matt. “Matt, I won’t be home early for the next few weeks. Don’t wait for me to be home before you sleep.”

Matt was puzzled by this change in routine. He asked, “Why mum? Where would you be? I want you to be home at the usual time.” Replied Matt.

“Matt, Mummy, need to work, so we got more money to buy some food.” Matt’s mother explained.

Suddenly, Matt realized how foolish he was. He now understood the value of those shoes. His mum had to sacrifice her resting time so that she could earn more money to afford those new branded shoes. Immediately, he felt terrible about himself.

“Mum, I don’t need those running shoes,” Matt cried.

Matt’s mum smiled. “Sweetie, I want the best for you too. I hope you will value them.” “I love you, mum,” Matt said as he gave his mother a warm hug.

That night, Matt lay on his bed waiting for his mother to return from work. He had mixed feelings. He felt terrible for wanting all his friends’ items, knowing that his mother had to work even harder to earn them.

A sense of gratitude and love for his mother overcame him. From then on, Matt gets what he needs rather than desires. He also learned to appreciate the value of little things in life, which he always took for granted.

The end.

children's stories about gratitude

Short Stories About Gratitude ~ Let’s Discuss

Learning and Discussion Corner on Children’s Stories About Gratitude

  1. What did you learn about this children’s stories about gratitude?
  2. Can you share a time when you appreciate what your parents did for you? If you have not shown any appreciation to your parents, say ‘thank you’ to your parents for everything they do for you right away!
  3. What are some other ways you can show your gratitude to someone? Example, you can write a letter, offer your help or give a thoughtful gift.
  4. Do you know you can practise gratitude through some gratitude exercises? Maybe you can give it a try!

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This story “A New Pair Of Shoes” is a Children’s Stories About Gratitude.

Cover designed By: StoryDino

Special Thanks To: My two boys for their suggestion on the design 🙂

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