children bedtime stories

Penny’s New Friends

Children Bedtime Stories

The dirty piglet wants to make friends! Will he find one?

Once upon a time, there was a filthy and messy piglet called Penny. Penny loved rolling in the mud all day. After wallowing in the muck for a while, he doesn’t bother to take a shower. The odour on his body was so foul that others could smell it from afar. Everyone avoided Penny as they found the stench unbearable.

“Penny, stop rolling in the mud the whole day. You should go out and make some friends!” His mother advised. “Alright, mum, I will go find some friends and invite them to our house,” Penny replied.

Penny wriggled his way out of his muddy pool and trotted to the streets in an attempt to make friends. He was strolling when he overheard someone singing a lovely tune. He followed the melody and found Raffy the Rooster exercising his voice in preparation for choir. The muddy Penny approached Raffy confidently and remarked, “Hi, you sing beautifully. Can we be friends?”

Raffy looked at Penny and gave a disgusted look. “A fine-looking rooster like me will not make friends with someone like you!” Penny was astonished by Raffy’s reply. He shook his head and walked off.

“The rooster is too arrogant as a friend. I shall find another one.” Penny thought to himself.

After a while, he smelled something delicious. It smelled like cookies! Penny felt a rumbling in his stomach. He tried to detect the scent and located the house where the aroma was coming from. Penny stood at the window and peeked in. He saw the little sheep baking lots of delectable pastries and cookies.

“Wow, I would love for her to be my friend! She is such a talented and creative chef!” Penny was excited. He went up to the door of the little sheep and knocked. When she opened her door, Penny flashed a broad smile and greeted, “Hi, your cookies smell amazing. Can I be your friend?” The little sheep replied, “I am sorry, I cannot be your friend. When I bake, I cannot afford to contaminate the food with mud from you.” With that, the little sheep closed her door.

Penny was dejected. He felt hurt, and as he walked toward the river banks, tears started swelling in his eyes. He sat down on the rocks and began to cry. A frog, who was nearby, heard his cries and hopped over. He asked, “Hey there, why are you crying?”

Penny replied, “I tried to make friends today, but no one wants to be my friend!” he sobbed. The frog looked at him and said bluntly, “well, I think you should take a bath. You look dirty. Perhaps you can try making friends again after you have done so.”

After hearing what the frog said, Penny nodded. He quickly went to wash by the river. As soon as he stepped out of the shower, he noticed the ducks by the river, so he went to introduce himself. The ducks were so friendly towards him and became friends with him! Penny was so glad that he managed to make some friends.

Now that he had confidence, he returned to find Raffy the Rooster. Raffy was still practising his singing when Penny went to see him. This time, Raffy did not seem to recognize Penny. When Penny praises Raffy for his excellent singing, Raffy is happy and even wants Penny to join in the fun!

“Would you like to join me at my friend’s house? She makes the best cookies in the world!” Raffy asked. Penny was super excited. Without thinking further, he agreed. They both headed together to the friend’s house. When they finally reached it, Penny was surprised that it was none other than the little sheep’s house!

“Hello, Shelly! Meet my new friend, Penny! I have brought him here to taste the best cookies in the world, which are none other than the one baked by you!” Raffy laughed.

“Hi Penny, welcome. Please try my cookies and cakes later. Do give me some comments if you will.” Shelly, the little sheep, said.

Penny was shocked that Shelly could not recognize him too! However, he was secretly happy, so he got to eat the yummy food and make a new friend. Penny’s stomach growled loudly as the cookies and cakes looked too delicious. His friends laughed and said, “let’s try the pastries now!” Penny let out embarrassed laughter.

Penny’s expression lit up with delight as he took the first nibble of the cookie. It was such a mouthwatering indulgence. After finishing the first one, he could not resist taking another one. After that, he started gobbling up all the cookies and cakes, creating a massive mess on his face. The chocolates dripped all over this face, with the creams and icing from the cakes.

Raffy and Shelly turned and looked at each other with an awkward stare. By then, Penny’s face and mouth were filthy, but Penny did not realize it and did not bother.

After a while, Raffy and Shelly found him familiar. They both said in unison, “Are you the muddy piggy who wanted to be friends with us this morning?” Penny realized that they recognized him now, with his messy face. Feeling embarrassed, Penny lowered his head and nodded.

Shelly remarked, “I am relieved to see you had a bath. Maintaining a good level of personal cleanliness is essential since doing so makes you more approachable and protects you from potentially dangerous infections and germs.

Penny nodded. Raffy added, “I am sorry I was rude to you earlier too.” After that day, the three of them become good friends. Penny did not forget to make sure that he takes care to keep himself clean and smelling fresh!

The end.

Children Bedtime Stories ~ Let’s Discuss

Learning and Discussion Corner for Children Bedtime Stories

  1. Do you have many friends? How do you make friends?
  2. Do you think Raffy and Shelly will be good friends to Penny?
  3. What is considered a good friend to you?
  4. There is an idiom with the saying “happy as a pig in mud”. It means “very happy and joyful”. So you can say, “She is happy as a pig in mud.” 🙂
  5. According to Wikipedia, pigs rolling in the mud is called “Wallowing”. Wallowing is said to help regulate the pig’s body temperature.

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Bedtime Stories For Kids In English

This story “Penny’s New Friends” is a children’s bedtime story.

Cover designed By: StoryDino

Special Thanks To: My two boys for their suggestion on the design 🙂

Read bedtime stories for kids in english in our 5 Minutes short stories library!