bedtime stories for kids are you my mummy storydino

Are you My Mummy?

Bedtime stories

Baby T-rex is lost! Would you like to join him on his search for his mummy?

A T-Rex mummy went out for a while to find food for the winter. To protect her eggs, she had hidden them behind some tree leaves.

After some time, one of the eggs began to move. At first, it was only a slight sway.

Next, it rattled.

Then, something cracked.

Pop! A baby T-rex’s head broke out of the cracked egg shell. He wriggled his body to break the remaining egg shells surrounding his body. In the process, he lost balance and fell from the egg nest.

“Ouch!” he yelled as he hit the muddy ground with a soft thump. He shook himself to get as much mud off as he could, then stood up.

“Where is this?” he asked himself. “I don’t know where my mom is.”

As the baby T-rex walked around, he wandered near the edge of the cliff. There, far away, he saw a big dinosaur flying through the air. T-rex baby said out loud, “I’m your baby, Mommy, Mommy! I’ll go back with you.”

The big dinosaur flew up to baby T-rex and said gently, “I’m not your mother, child. I have wings and you do not. I’m the pterosaur’s mother. Keep looking for your mother. If I see her, I will bring her to you.” After that, the mother pterosaur flew away.

Despite baby T-rex’s best efforts, he could not find his mother.  Baby T-rex continued his search. In the United States, he came across a grassy field with a large dinosaur and a small dinosaur eating grass. He dashed over and exclaimed, “Mom, brother, I’m back!”

The big dinosaur looked up and said, “I’m not your mother, child. You can see how long my neck is because I’m the mother of the Brachiosaurus.”

Baby T-rex touched his neck, lowered his head to try looking at his neck. He realised that his neck is way shorter. Disappointed, he walked away.

The search for his mother continued. After days of walking and finding, baby T-rex felt tired and hungry. He stopped by the lakeside to take a rest. Baby T-rex then noticed a group of dinosaurs playing in the lake. Excited that he might have found his family, he jumped up and down while shouting, “I’m here, Mom. I’m your child!”

When the dinosaur mummy heard, she walked over and replied, ” I am not your mother—you can see my back—I am the Spinosaurus’ mother. You look hungry, kid. Come to my house for some food.”

Although baby T-rex was a little disappointed, he was starving and accepted the treat from Spinosaurus’s mom. While devouring the food, he heard a roaring sound from a distance. He paused his activity for a while and listened.

The roaring sound seemed so familiar.  As he continued figuring out the sound, a big dinosaur with sharp teeth, oversize forward facing eyes, powerful tail and tiny arms emerged from the bushes. The big dinosaur approached baby T-rex and said, “My baby! Finally, I found you!”

Baby T-rex dropped his food and ran towards his mummy. “I’m here, Mom. I am your baby!”

“Yes, my precious baby.” T-rex’s mummy smiled.

bedtime stories dinosaur charts storydino

Bedtime stories ~ Let’s Discuss

Learning About dinosaurs

  1. Do you like dinosaurs? which dinosaur is your favourite and why?
  2. What will you do if you are baby T-rex and you cannot find your mummy?
  3. Can you guess the different types of dinosaurs based on their features?
  4. You can learn more about dinosaurs here.

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Cover designed By: StoryDino

Special Thanks To: My two boys for their suggestion on the design 🙂