Written By A Single Mother,
With Love.

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A Great Friend Indeed

A Great Friend, Indeed.

Spring is here. Flowers are in full bloom, and the forest is bustling with activities. The warm air hit the surroundings. The melody from the fluttering butterflies and busy bees collecting nectar from the flowers, coupled with the chirping sound from the birds, awoke the big black bear from his long sleep through the winter.

He stepped out from his cave, stretched his body and took a deep breath. The fragrance of honey from the bee’s hive made him drool. His stomach began growling loudly. The bear followed the scent from the honey and came to the beehive. Unfazed by the bee sting, he drove out the bees and started eating away the sweet honey.

The bees who went out to collect nectar returned home and were upset when they saw that all the honey they worked so hard to collect had been eaten by the bear. The bees decided to seek help from their neighbour, Mr Rhino, to drive the bear away so his honey would not be eaten again.

“Mr Rhino, if the bear comes to steal honey again, can you please drive him away?” Requested by one of the bees. The helpful Rhino said: “Don’t worry, I will help you.” The bees said: “We will be very grateful to you.”
The Rhino replied, “We are good neighbours. We can help each other!”

A few days later, the big black bear again smelled the scent of honey wafting from the new hive. The Rhino was at the nearby river taking a bath and saw the bear approaching the beehive. Quickly, he got out and chased after the bear. The bear saw the Rhino coming after him and ran away. However, the commotion caught the attention of a poacher close by.

The poacher aimed the rifle at Rhino as he wanted to get the Rhino’s precious horn. The bees collecting the nectar near the poacher hastily flew towards the poacher and stung him.

The pain was excruciating for the poacher, who dropped the rifle on the ground in great pain. Rhino took the opportunity to escape. The Rhino was grateful that the bees saved his life. He said to the bees: “Thank you for saving me. How can I repay you?”

The bees said in unison: “A friend in need is a friend indeed. You helped us chase the bear away too.”

Only true friends are the ones that help each other in times of adversity indeed.

The End.