Written By A Single Mother,
With Love.

3 mins Read Free Bedtime Stories

Rabbit in a bus stop in rain with positive mindset free bedtime stories

A Bad Day

What a bad day it was for rabbit Rollie. He had made a mistake at work and was reprimanded by his boss at work. Feeling dejected, he dragged his feet towards the bus stop after a long day. The journey to the bus stop seemed endless.

A dreadful day indeed. Even the weather was not helping. The chilly wind suddenly began blowing. The sky became dark, and raindrops started to trickle. Rollie sighed, as he did not bring his raincoat nor his umbrella. The drizzle became heavier. It seemed that a downpour was inevitable.

Rollie quickened his pace. He was lucky that he reached the bus stop before it started pouring. Puddles of water began forming on the muddy road in front of the empty forest bus stop.

Rollie stood under the shelter of the bus stop. He tried to wipe away his coat which became wet from being splattered by the heavy rain. “Brrr… it’s freezing.” Rollie was shivering as the chilly wind blew. He was longing for the bus to come would come as soon as possible.

Suddenly, a fox rushed to the bus stop to try and avoid the heavy rain. Rainwater was dripping down from his body. He was thoroughly soaked. As he tried to shake off the waters from his body, he accidentally splashed onto Rollie.

“Oh, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to splash the rain on you.” Said the fox to Rollie apologetically.

Rollie was a little annoyed. To begin with, he had a bad day, and now he got wetter from someone splashing water on him. “Don’t worry about it,” Rollie replied, trying to sound friendly. Fox started sneezing a little, and Rollie felt terrible that he had probably caught a cold.  In fact, he started to think it was nice to have some company at that lonely, quiet bus stop.

Just then, a loud growling sound came from Rollie’s stomach. He had not eaten much the whole day as he was busy at work. Rollie felt embarrassed as the rumbling sound could be heard clearly at the empty bus stop.

Fox looked at Rollie and smiled.

“If you don’t mind, I have some hot chocolate pie that I bought while on my way home.” Said Fox, as he fished out a piping hot pie from his bag. The fragrance from the hot chocolate pie filled the whole bus stop. At first, Rollie wanted to reject. However, the smell was too tempting. “Thank you.” Rollie reached out to take the chocolate pie from fox.

He gobbled down the delicious pie in a jiff.  It immediately warmed his stomach from the cold weather, and his mood lightened up.

Rollie and fox began chatting and getting to know each other.  After a long wait, the bus finally came. They board the bus together, and when it was time for fox to alight the bus, they agreed to meet again for coffee.

While continuing on the bus back home, Rollie pondered on his long day while looking at the falling rain dripping from the bus’s window. “Today is not such a bad day after all.” Rollie suddenly felt a tinge of bliss that despite his bad day at work and the bad weather, he made a new friend, who gave him a hot chocolate pie when he was hungry.

Rollie learned a great lesson today. Bad things happen, but good things happen too.  It is what you choose to focus on that will ultimately affect your mood for the day. Wouldn’t it be better to focus on feeling happy?

The End.

Let’s Discuss:

  1. What do you do when you are unhappy? What is your favourite activity that you can do to make yourself happy?
  2. How about your siblings or friends? Will you do something to cheer them up when they feel down?
  3. Do you think positive and happy things? Here are some ways you can do to deal with sadness.