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Coffee Is Not Just Coffee

General Knowledge Short Stories

Do you know coffee is not just coffee?

Does your parents drink coffee? Or perhaps, you hear about grown ups who love drinking coffee.

Or maybe you have smelled that strong coffee aroma that fills the air somewhere near a café.

Are you curious about that cup of coffee that seem to wake adults up in the morning?

Coffee is darkly coloured, bitter and is one of the most popular drinks in the world. They are seeds of berries, roasted and grounded before steeped in hot water to prepare a cup of coffee drink.

Do you know, coffee is not just coffee? Let me explain.

My grandpa drinks Espresso. The first form of coffee, pressured through finely ground coffee beans and hot water. You’ll find her concentrated with a slight sweet tone.

Espresso has a bad temper. If you step on her toes, she turns sour easily. Don’t blame the beans. There are many reasons she gets angry. Be it during the preparation of the beans, the water ratio, temperature and time.

When you pour Espresso over hot water, it becomes long black.

My dad loves long black.

How about adding hot water to Espresso instead? Well, we call it Americano.

My mum prefers Americano. A more intense flavour compared to long black.

Americano and long black are like twins. Can you tell them apart?

Can’t handle the bitterness of coffee?

How about adding milk? Just by adding steam milk to Espresso, we have a Cappuccino!

Not enough milk? Add more!

Now we have a Café Latte! A coffee with thick foamy milk.

My uncle prefers Flat white. We call this Latte’s cousin. Don’t be mistaken as they looked alike.

Latte milk is foamy, while flat white is smooth. An easier way to tell them apart is by the thickness of milk foam on them!

My brother goes for something sweeter. He chooses some whipped cream on top of his coffee, topped with chocolate sprinkles. That’s called Vienna. You won’t want to miss that! If you want the real deal, top with ice cream and you will get Affogato!

How about some chocolate? Here comes Mocha, our best and friendliest coffee. Chocolate coffee is like the best of both worlds.

So, you see, coffee is not just coffee. Whether is it an Espresso, a long black, an americano, a latte, a cappuccino, Vienna, affogato or mocha, every type of coffee is loved by different people all over the world.

Now, do you know what kind of coffee your family loves?

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General Knowledge Short Stories For Kids Coffee Chart

General Knowledge Short Stories ~ Let’s Discuss

Learning About Coffee

  1. Have you tried coffee before? Which type of coffee do you like or love to try?
  2. Do you know that there’s a type of coffee made from poo? It originates from Indonesia where the civet eats the coffee cherries and pass the beans. Yummy. The beans are used to make coffee called Kopi Luwak. It is one of the most expensive coffee in the world.
  3. Coffee is actually not a bean, but the pit of a berry.
  4. Also, a coffee plant can live up to 100 years! You may find out more interesting facts about coffee here.

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This story ” Coffee is not just coffee” .

Cover designed By: StoryDino

Special Thanks To: My two boys for their suggestion on the design 🙂