Tyranno is here

Tyranno is here!

3 min Dinosaur Bedtime Stories

Oh no! Tyranno has captured three friends from the town! How will they escape?

Cherry Town is a peaceful and calm place. As usual, it is another quiet day.

“Bang bang!”

Who is stomping in town? Ah, it’s a big dinosaur Tyrano.

The big dinosaur Tyrano walked along the streets in Cherry Town. He saw Ronnie Rabbit playing with his ball and reached out to grab him. Ronnie Rabbit was caught and stuffed into the big backpack.

Tyrano continued marching through Banana Street, saw the swinging Manie Monkey jumping. He grasped onto him and Manie Monkey jumped into the big backpack.

The big dinosaur trudged through Berries village and saw the Hanny Hamster squeaking around the hula hoop, reached for it, and shove it into his big backpack.

Ronnie and Manie were so terrified, they kept crying. However, Hanny, although small, was bold. He comforts everyone and said: “Don’t cry. If we make noise, Big dinosaur may get angry and hit us. So, let’s keep quiet and observe. We will find a way together.”

Ronnie Rabbit wiped away his tears and said: “Why did the big dinosaur catch us? Eat us in one bite or sell us to the circus as acrobatics? Will we get to see Mom and Dad? ”

Hanny Hamster pondered awhile and squeaked, “We got to get the Rhino chief to come and save us. but how do we let the Rhino chief know that we have been taken?”

The Manie Monkey jumped and said, “Let’s shout and scream with our loudest voice.”

Hanny shook his head and replied, “Now we can’t shout as the dinosaur can hear us. We might provoke him and put ourselves in danger. We’ll shout when we see the Rhino Police.”

Stealthily, Hanny climbed towards the opening of the bag and tightly grasp the backpack belt to take a peek at where the big dinosaur was heading. While surveying, he reported to Ronnie and Manie to take note of the direction Big Tyranno was headed to.

“Remember the big dinosaur walked through the Carnation Street, through the Lavender Road, and then towards the Marigold Square.”

Just then, the big dinosaur stopped outside the candy shop. While the Panda Boss was not paying attention, he grabbed a huge amount of candy and stuffed them into the backpack. The candy fell all over Hanny, Manie and Ronnie like big raindrops on them.

Hanny got an idea. “Let’s throw the candy down!” Hanny quickly dropped them one by one as Tyrano proceeded. “It’s such a pity to throw those delicious candies away.” Ronnie Rabbit said.

Manie interrupted, “Hanny is trying to give the rhino police chief a clue, do you know?”

Just while they were talking, pieces of bread dropped all over them. The big dinosaur had stopped next to the bakery and grabbed several pieces of bread and stuffed it into his backpack when the Brown Bear Boss took no attention.

This time, Hanny broke the bread into pieces and continued throwing them on the path to form a trail.

“It’s a pity that this delicious bread…” Ronnie suddenly closed his mouth, winked and said, “Oh yes, we need to leave more clue to the police!”

“Finally! We’re almost out of the Marigold Square, but I haven’t met the rhino police chief. There was also no adults around, what can I do?” Hanny thought.

Just then, Hanny saw Brother Rooster standing by the roadside. If he shout for him, the dinosaur will be alerted and things might get out of hand. Instead, he picked up the bread and threw hard at Brother Rooster.

Brother Rooster was shocked by the sudden bread landing in front of him. He looked up and was surprised to see Hanny at the backpack opening waving to him to distress. Hanny kept mouthing the “Help Me!” Brother Rooster understood the situation and hurried to the Police Station.

By this time the great dinosaur was out of the small town and headed for the distant mountains.

Hanny was starting to worry. All the candies and bread were threw out. There was nothing left in the backpack to form a trail. How do the police officers know where they are to save them?

Hanny quickly asked Manie to throw this bow tie, Ronnie to throw of his brown cap while Hanny threw his tiny pair of boots.  They looked like milestones that can help the police officers crack the dinosaur down.

Finally, the big dinosaur is home! He lay comfortably on the big sofa and opened his backpack with joy.

Today has been a great harvest for him. Tyranno gets to enjoy his candies, munch on those delicious bread while getting the rabbit to clean his house, Monkey to give him a nice massage and the hamster to serve him his drinks.  The plan seemed perfect.

Excitedly, Tyranno opened the backpack to see. However, his smiles diminished when he saw what was left. The breads were gone, the candies disappeared, and all that was left were only the three little guys. Tyranno roared loudly. He was furious thinking they ate them all.

The three of them shivered from the horrifying loud roar. Hanny quickly said, “Mr. Dinosaur wait, don’t be angry. We will make it up to you. We will help you squeeze juices, whatever juice you like, sweet apple juice, sour orange juice, and delicious kiwi juice, anything.”

The big dinosaur thought for a moment said, “Okay, I’ll eat you all after drinking those squeezed the juices.” Under the watchful eye of the big dinosaur, the three little guys pretended to squeeze juice.

Suddenly there was a loud horn sound outside the door, “Dinosaur you are surrounded, quickly let the children out!”

When the big dinosaur heard it, he quickly rolled up the three little guys with his long tail, attempting to hide them. Hanny, Manie and Ronnie could not move.

Tyranno stuck his head outside the door with a huge smile and replied, “Oh, Rhino Sergeant. You must have made a mistake, I don’t have any children here!” Before he could continue, Ronnie and Manie shrieked “Uncle Sheriff, we’re here.”

In the commotion, Hanny took a deep huge bite on the tail of the big dinosaur. The dinosaur jumped in pain and released the grip on the three little guys. They hastily ran as fast as they could to the police.

The sheriff rushed in with the team of police and caught the big dinosaur.

The three little guys said cheerfully, “Thank you, Sheriff!” ”

Sergeant Rhino smiled happily: “If it weren’t for the marks you left, I wouldn’t have found you. ”

Brown Bag dinosaurs bedtimes stories

Children’s Stories For 6 to 8 Years Old ~ Let’s Discuss

Learning About Thinking out of the box

  1. Is there a time where you have solve a problem that others may not have thought about?
  2. What other ways could you think of that the animals can do to get out of that situation?

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This story ” Tyranno is here! ” is a classic fairy tale.

Cover designed By: StoryDino

Special Thanks To: Clip-Art Library