About Me


Hello, my name is Germaine, welcome to Storydino. I am a single mother who enjoys reading to my two children.

I believe storytelling is one of the most effective way to educate your children, and at the same time develop their communication skills, build their language capabilities and sharpen their soft skills to make them a more confident child. This needs to start young.

Everything here from setting up the website, story writing, to book cover design is created by me with lots of love and dedication. I am no web design expert but I learned how to build a website step by step. (It took me a long time =p )

It will mean a great deal to me if you can show your appreciation by sharing this website to your families, friends and communities or support my mission by donating so that I can continue to make more storybooks for free.

It will be a big encouragement to me knowing that someone appreciates and support what I do.

Thank you.