Walking together mother's love children stories free bedtime stories covid 19

Walking Together

The little girl is not feeling well and has to visit the clinic! However, she seemed to be afraid to see the doctor. Read on to find out the power of her mother’s love who make her brave.

Short Stories For Kids ~ Let’s Discuss:

Learning About Parent’s Love

  1. When you are sick, who accompanies you to the doctor?
  2. Are you afraid to see the doctor like the little girl? Who comforts you or supports you when you are afraid?
  3. How does your parents make you feel braver in the clinic?
  4. In line with Covid-19, do remember to wear a mask and stay home if you are unwell.

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This story “Walking Together” was created by bookdash and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. The original work has undergone minor formatting adjustments to make it easier to read on our website.

Written By: Jade Mathieson

Illustrated By: Louwrisa Blaauw

Designed By: Bianca de Jong

Edited By: Elise Varga