whats at the park dog bedtime stories

What’s At The Park?

Zoey loves to go to the park with grandma! There are many interesting things in the park. Birds, bugs and beautiful flowers!

But wait, she found something else. What is it?

Short Stories For Kids ~ Let’s Discuss:

Learning About Family

  1. Do you like to go to the park with your family? Which park or garden do you go to?
  2. What do you do with your family when you go to the park? Can you think of some fun activities you can do in the park?
  3. Will you adopt a dog if you have a chance?

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Free Bedtime Stories For Kids

This story “What’s At The Park?” was created by bookdash and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. The original work has undergone minor formatting adjustments to make it easier to read on our website.

Written By: David Mann

Illustrated By: Jess Jardim – Wedepohl

Designed By: Jess Jardim – Wedepohl

Edited By: Karen Hurt