Healthy eating habits for kids

Cracker’s Dream Wonderland

Story on Healthy Eating Habits For Kids

Cracker seemed to be lost in wonderland! What can he do to get his family to find him?

Once upon a time, there was a little gecko named Cracker. He lived in a rain forest tree house with his sister gecko, papa gecko, mama gecko, and grandmother gecko. Although he was the smallest in the house, he really wasn’t that small. In fact, he was a little chubbier than most of his other friends. Except one – Komo, the Komodo Dragon.

One sunny afternoon, Cracker felt bored and decided to look for his friends. He chanced upon Mini, the butterfly. “Hey Mini, would you like to play hide and seek?” Cracker asked enthusiastically. Just then, Komo the Komodo Dragon heard him and rushed over excitedly. “Can I join in too?” he asked. “Sure, let’s play together!” Both Mini and Cracker replied in unison.

Now Komo is a BIG guy. He could not hide himself well as nothing can truly cover him due to his size.

Komo joined them, but he could only be the seeker because hiding was difficult for him. After a while, he became the seeker instead and they had so much fun!

Soon, it was getting late. Feeling exhausted and famished, the three friends hurried home for dinner.

“I’m home!” Cracker announced when he reached home. “Just in time for dinner.” His mother smiled. Cracker was starving after a whole day of activities with his friends that he rushed to the dinning table. There were colourful plates of bright green broccolis, warm orange carrots, yellow corn pods, and tasty red tomatoes.

Cracker stared at the rainbow platters of vegetables and sighed. He dragged his feet to his favourite hiding corner and collapsed on the small couch. “I wish I can eat my favourite chocolates and candies for dinner instead.” He murmured.

While mumbling, something crossed his mind. Suddenly, he sat up. Cracker realised that he almost forgotten he had frequently hidden some candies and chocolates for himself in this tiny corner. He quickly rummaged under the couch to lay his hands on those favourite snacks of his and gobbled down as many sweets, lollipops and chocolates as he can before his mother finds out.

“Cracker, where are you!” his mother called out to him. Cracker replied, “I’m tired. Can I rest first, mum?” Cracker’s mother knew he did not like the dinner she made. She answered, “Vegetables are great for your health. It also helps you grow and, it is important to have your dinner.”

“I will have them later.” Cracker said, as he slowly drifted off to nap….  

After a while, Cracker woke up. “Mum, I am ready to have dinner now.” Cracker called to his mother. However, there was no reply. Cracker frowned and got up to head to the dining table. “Mum, where are you?” Cracker asked. Still no answer.

Flustered, Cracker walked around in the house to find his family. He then heard some noise outside the porch of his house. Cracker peeped through the window and heaved a sigh of relief. “There they are.” He grinned.

“Mum, where was the dinner I was suppose to have?” Cracker asked again. His mother did not reply to him. Instead, his mother had a worried look on her face. This sister and grandparents appeared gloomy too. “What happened, mum? Please talk to me!” Cracker pleaded as he sensed something was wrong. He observed that his mother was talking to his grandmother but realised he could not hear their conversation.

Cracker turned to his sister, who was sitting at the side looking depressed. “What’s going on, sister! Please, tell me.” However, his sister ignored him.

“This is not funny!” Cracker raised his voice at his sister. Upset, Cracker climbed on top of the porch table to get attention of everyone, but his efforts were futile. In a fit of anger, he decided to throw the tea coaster on the ground to make some noise and attract attention.

However, Cracker was shocked to find that the coaster was much larger than it originally was. Suddenly, it dawned onto him that everything around him appeared humongous. As he looked around to piece out the situation he was in, Cracker realized what he thought was the tea-table and stood on was only a small step.

Cracker shrieked and dashed out of the house. He went to the same place he was supposed to meet Mini and Komo to play and noticed Komo was sunbathing. Cracker approached Komo but could not help noticing how much bigger he was. Komo seemed to have turn into the size of a dinosaur!

As Cracker continued trying to look for Mini the tiny butterfly, he found her by the pond. Mini had also become much bigger than him. Something struck him at that precise moment. Cracker dashed to the pond to look at himself, only to be horrified by what he saw. He had shrunk to the size of a non-existent tiny gecko. He understood what happened. He was so small that no one could see him nor hear him, and that everything appeared massive.

Cracker felt horrified that he could no longer play with his friends nor talk to his family. He began sobbing as he realized he had lost everything; his family, his friends, his candies…

As he was crying, his mother’s words echoed in his mind. “Vegetables are healthy and make you grow.” It kept repeating. Cracker quickly dashed to the kitchen table and climbed as hard as he can to reach the top. He discovered the healthy vegetable platters that his mum prepared for him and wasted no time to start nibbling on it.

It tasted better than he expected. The next few bites got bigger and bigger. Cracker was wolfing down the vegetables as much as he could. After a while, he got so stuffed, he fell asleep unknowingly.

“Cracker? Cracker wake up!” Cracker heard someone calling for him. Cracker slowly opened his eyes. Everyone in the family was staring at him. Cracker jumped up in delight and asked, “You guys can see me?”

“Of course, we can. What are you talking about?” His mother responded as every one started laughing at Cracker’s weird question. Cracker was overjoyed and scampered to the mirror. He was beaming with joy to see he was back to himself.

“Mum, from today on, I promise I will eat lots of healthy vegetables.” Cracker said to his mother while giving her a tight hug. His mother patted him on his back and smiled.

The End.

healthy eating habits for kids

About Our Kid’s Author:
Rishaan is an 8-year-old boy. He loves reading, swimming, playing football, video games and ANIMALS. He wants to grow up to become a wildlife researcher and therefore reads a lot about animals. His brother and him loves the stories in StoryDino and regularly consume a story at bedtime. The combination of his love for animals and his flare for reading made him think of writing this story. Although he needed quite some help to write the story, but the idea is his own. This one is the first story that he wrote, however, in the meantime, he already has a few more ideas he’d convert into stories.

Healthy Eating Habits For Kids ~ Let’s Discuss

Learning and Discussion Corner for good children’s nutrition:

  1. Do you love to eat candies, sweets and chocolates? How often do you eat them?
  2. How about vegetables and fruits? Which ones do you love most?
  3. How often do you eat vegetables and fruits?
  4. You may wish to read more about the importance of eating more vegetables and fruits here.

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Bedtime Short Stories About Good Eating Habits

This story “Cracker’s Dream Wonderland” is a children’s bedtime short stories about having a healthy diet.

Cover designed By: StoryDino

Special Thanks To: Rishaan Sarkar & Family 🙂

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