witch stories for kids

The moon witch and the origami boy

Witch Stories For Kids

The origami paper boy escaped! What will he do?

Far far away, in the deepest forest was a small cottage. There lived a moon witch named, Monica.

Do you know why she’s called a Moon Witch? That’s because she only opens her business on nights when there is a full moon. The people who know her called her by that name.

The Moon Witch’s shop is packed with many interesting ancient stones, animal carcasses, and potions of all sorts. However, the most unique thing about the moon witch is her origami. Every piece of paper she folded, come alive with her magic. The moon witch absolutely love folding flowers, boats and insects during her leisure time. Soon, the whole house was filled with origami art.

“Oh dear, there are no more space in my tiny house. I need some help to clear up!” The moon witch thought in dismay.

She began folding some paper to make into little helpers.

However, the messy moon witch can be a little careless. She accidentally dropped one of them near her magic potion which was not sealed properly in the glass jar.

The magic aura senses the magical papers and drifted towards the folded paper boy. After a while, the tiny paper boy sat up. It looked around to check out the surroundings curiously.

“There’s no one here. Looks like I’m going to have some fun!” the paper boy grinned. Quickly, he ran to the table and saw some cookies. He took a bite, and another bite, causing the crumps to fall all over the table. When he heard some noise coming, he hastily got up, slid down the rocking chair and landed on the ground. He yelled out in ecstasy, “I am going out to explore the world!”

Stealthily, he slides himself through the gap of the door and out on his adventure.

As he continued his journey, he came across a village. At this point, he was already famished. The paper boy saw a candy house nearby and decided to pop into the shop. There were a wide variety of candies, lollipops and chocolates. He gobbled one after another and did not notice that the shopkeeper saw him.

“Thief!” The shopkeeper shouted and chased after the paper boy. “Uh-oh.” Once the paper boy realized he was caught, he proceeded to the window and took off. At that very moment, there was a gust of wind so powerful that it blew, and he was able to flee the area by flying with the wind.  “Phew, that was close! I am such an adventurer! He reflected on it with a sense of superiority.

Happy that things were going smooth for him, the paper boy got more daring. He felt bored and thought of playing a game. He picked up stones on the ground and started to target passer-by who walk past and throw it at them. He would then immediately lie down so that no one could tell where the stone was coming from or who was responsible for throwing it. He was successful in injuring a handful of them, and nobody was sure where the stone had come from.

Just then, someone who happened to pass by in the other direction noticed the paper boy and realised what he was doing. The villager shouted, “The culprit is here!”

“Oops.” The paper boy ran as soon as he was aware someone found him. Everyone began to pursue him after they saw him run. Just nice, a bird was about to fly off as it was startled by the huge crowd. The paper boy clings on to the bird’s feet and flew away. When he gazed down at the angry crowd below, he couldn’t help but crack a grin.

Soon, words spread about the strange paper boy that has been causing trouble. Very quickly, the moon witch became aware of the paper boy’s existence.

“Oh dear, it must be one of my boys who escaped! I must find him!” she bellowed.

With her enchanted broom, she took flight in search of her paper boy.

As she flew across the sky, she folded some crows with her magic origami papers to help her track down the paper boy.

After a long search, the magic crows suddenly made their target on a particular spot and went right at it at full speed. The moon witch knew at that moment that the crows had spotted the paper boy.

When the paper boy heard the sound of the crows, he knew with his magic sense that they are coming for him. Quickly, he sped off in the fastest possible direction.

The crows noticed him and flew towards him, where they attempted to bring him back by pecking at him. There were those who attempted to grab him with their feet. Others made attempts to pin him down.

After some struggle, the paper boy was so worn out that he collapsed on the ground. Crows started to close in on him to prevent him from escaping.

The moon witch slowly walked towards him. When she came close, the crows shifted their positions to make room for her. She rebuked him and said, “You mischievous one. How dare you escape to cause trouble to everyone. Now you shall return with me and receive your punishment.”

Once the moon witch finished speaking, the crow picked the paper boy up with its feet and flew back to the the moon witch’s house in the mountains.

Since that day, the paper boy was kept in the house to clean while the crows eye him vigilantly to prevent him from creating more troubles. In fact, he became such a diligent helper in the house and became a great companion with the moon witch!

The end.

witch stories for kids

Short Stories About witches ~ Let’s Discuss

Learning and Discussion Corner for Children Bedtime Short Stories About witches

  1. If you had a chance to meet the moon witch, what origami art would you ask her to make for you?
  2. Do you know how to fold origami art? Which ones do you know how to make?
  3. Do you think the paper boy is mischievous? What will you do if you are paper boy who manage to escape?

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Bedtime Short Stories About Witches

This story “The moon witch and the origami boy” is a children’s bedtime short stories about witches.

Cover designed By: StoryDino

Special Thanks To: My two boys for their suggestion on the design 🙂

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