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A Gift From Outerspace

Short Stories About Giving

Will you give away something you really love to help someone fulfil their lifelong dreams?

Danny is a dinosaur who loves to eat small fishes. He often crouches quietly beside the lake to hunt for fishes. In fact, he loves to squat beside the lake. Do you know why?

It turned out that Danny has a little secret. He was super envious of Samson the Spinosaur who could play freely, swim and even have little fights in the water. However, Danny has a phobia of water. He does not dare to swim! This made him very sad. One day, Danny finally made up his mind that he will learn to swim! He could not wait to put on his swimming googles and swimming cap anymore. “I must learn to swim today!” he thought.

To learn to swim, you need to have some tools, right?

Floating boards?

But Danny was too heavy. When he lies on the floating board, trying to balance himself and float along with the water, the floating board went straight down into the water. Danny fell to the water, struggled and gasped. He even choked on several mouthfuls of water.  This made him super fearful.

What should he use next? Maybe a swimming ring can help? He figured.

Where should the swimming ring fit? The neck? The legs? Or on his tail?

He was completely clueless about how to put it on. He sighed, and gave up.

Then another idea hit him. A life jacket! Surely a life jacket can do the trick.

However, the life jacket appears to be a little tiny, and it took some effort to put it on, but…As soon as Danny moved his body, the life jacket split in half.

Danny spent the whole morning occupied with nothing but trying on various pieces of swimming equipment. Swimming was not something that he was able to master at all.

Danny stood there by the lake side and saw the Pteranodon flying from the sky and coming down close to the water. This gave him another fantastic idea. Maybe he can learn to fly and tread on water!

But how does he do that? He does not have wings like Pteranodon. Dejected, Danny went home. When he was back, his mother realized that he was sad. Out of concern, mother asked, “Danny, what happened? You look upset.”

“Why don’t I have wings to fly, mum?” Danny asked. “Oh Danny. Both your dad and I do not have wings.” Mother replied.

“Is that the reason?” Danny responded wearily. “Yes Danny, our old neighbor is already 100 years old. He had been wanting to fly for the past 90 years. However, he did not succeed in doing so.” Mother continued.

Danny’s heart sank as he entertained the idea that it will never be possible for him to fly. He bowed his head and walked to his room. As he sat in his room with his television on, he suddenly saw an advertisement on a new innovation that allows dinosaur to fly. It was a one-of-a-kind wing that was developed to allow anyone who wears the wing machine to be able to fly! Danny was excited as his hopes of flying was ignited. He went to do some research and decided to purchase this new pair of wings with his savings.

After he made his purchase, he was exhilarated as he could not wait to be the first dinosaur to try on the special wing and start flying in the sky.

A few days later, his parcel arrived. Danny was thrilled to try the wing on. However, his mother’s words suddenly hit him. He thought about the old neighbor who spent almost his entire life trying to fly in the sky. His heart went out to him. Instead of wearing the wing, Danny decided to send the parcel to the old neighbor instead. He brought it over to his place and placed it outside his door. He wrote a note to the old neighbor: “A gift from outer space.”

The next morning, Danny was awoken by the loud laughter that echoed through the clouds. He opened the window to look outside. There it is, his old neighbor was flying happily around in the sky like a child. Danny felt touched and happy that he fulfilled his life long dreams.

From that day on, Danny was determined to learn to swim as he was motivated by his old neighbor, who spent his entire life to pursue what he wanted. Every day, he went to the lake and practiced some swimming technique. In fact, he made a new friend, who taught him how to swim! After practicing for some time, he finally became a great swimmer.

The end.

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Short Stories About Giving ~ Let’s Discuss

Learning and Discussion Corner for Children Bedtime Short Stories About Giving

  1. Will you give the wings away if you were Danny?
  2. Have you ever given something you love away for someone who need it more?
  3. In the story, Danny tried many ways to learn swimming. Is there a time where you made up your mind to learn something? How did it turn out?

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Bedtime Short Stories About Giving For Kids

This story “A Gift From Outerspace” is a children’s bedtime short stories about giving.

Cover designed By: StoryDino

Special Thanks To: My two boys for their suggestion on the design 🙂

Read Stories About Giving in English in our 5 Minutes short stories library!