Children’s Stories On Managing Emotions

Where is my smile?

Children’s Stories On Managing Emotions

How do you shape your feelings when you feel sad?

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Short Stories On Mental Health For Children ~ Let’s Discuss

Learning and Discussion Corner for Children’s Stories on managing emotions.

  1. What do you do when you feel sad or angry? How do you manage them?
  2. Who do you talk to when you feel upset, sad or angry?
  3. Do you know some strategies to cope with your emotions? You can count from one to ten first when you feel the sudden strong feeling to calm yourself first. Then you can either talk to someone you trust, go for a run, maybe do some meditation or just do an activity you like which can help you get distracted for a while. You can read up on more tips here.

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This story “Where is my smile?” is a Short Stories About Managing Emotions.

Cover designed By: StoryDino

Special Thanks To: My two boys for their suggestion on the design 🙂

Read short stories for kids to manage feelings in our 5 Minutes short stories library!