Story About Bugs Post

Tiny Lesson

Stories About Bugs

A tiny bug can teach a BIG lesson. Can you guess how?

A mischievous tiger named Tyga bullied other animals as he appeared massive and more ferocious than others. Whenever he sees other smaller animals, he either makes fun of them or pushes them. Everyone avoided him because they were terrified of him.

One day, Tyga was alone in the woods, feeling bored. After walking around aimlessly, he got drowsy and napped under a nearby tree. While in his sleepy state, Tyga suddenly felt an itchy sensation. At first, he merely scratched lightly. However, the itch became more intense, and he began scratching. Tyga could not bear the sudden severe itch that he sat up and scratched hard.

“What exactly is it on my body? Get off of me!” Tyga roared. A little bug crept up to the tiger’s whiskers, waved at him, and said, “Hello, my name is Buggy.” Tyga twitched his whiskers in an attempt to expel Buggy from his face. However, Buggy dodged it and jumped off to the top of his head. “You tiny little thing. Stay away from me! How dare you challenge me when you are just a small little creature? I’m going to smack you flat!” Tyga yelled.

Tyga lowered his head and used his paws to brush Buggy off his head unsuccessfully. Buggy quickly hopped to his back. Tyga tried again to use his claws to reach his back but could not get Buggy. This went on for some time until, eventually, Tyga was exhausted.

“What do you want before you leave me alone?” Tyga asked in frustration. “This is my territory now,” the bug murmured as he emerged from his hiding place.

“What exactly do you mean by “your territory”? You are on MY body.” Tyga said. “I’ll be staying here. You can’t drive me away.” Buggy replied.

This infuriated Tyga and made him determined to get rid of Buggy.

Tyga started shaking his body vigorously to shake off the bug. He began very gently and progressed to a more erratic shaking. After a while, Tyga became dizzy from all the swinging. He came to a halt, believing he had exterminated Buggy. To his surprise, he felt that tingly sensation again. “I’m still here,” Buggy joked.

Tyga then began striking Buggy with his hands and tail all around his body. The more he whipped his body, the more unbearable he felt. “Ouch! My entire body is in excruciating pain.” He yelled. The cheeky Buggy got close to his ears and started chuckling at him.

The enraged Tyga then lay down on the ground and began rolling around, attempting to move over Buggy. However, as he rolled around, he did not notice a sharp branch nearby, which poked him hard. He screamed in agony.

This time, Buggy proceeded to bite him in the ears. Tyga wailed louder. “Please stop.” He pleaded as he was in so much pain. “From now on, you must stop scaring and bullying the other animals,” the bug said. “If not, I’ll return and hide under your furs forever. Do you hear me?” Buggy said.

“I will, of course. I’m not going to hurt the other animals again.” Tyga responded. With that, Buggy flew away.

Since that day, Tyga remembered Buggy’s words and did not disturb the other animals again.

The end.

Stories About Bugs

Bugs Bedtime stories ~ Let’s Discuss

Learning and Discussion Corner for Children Bedtime Stories About Bugs

  1. Even though Buggy is tiny, he is able to deter the bigger and stronger Tyga. Can you think of a time where something small can yield a big result?
  2. Do you know that a female flea can lay up to 40 eggs a day? (Source: Petmd) Imagine how fast an infestation can be!
  3. Flea can also survive without eating for two weeks.

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Bedtime Stories About Bugs For Kids

This story “Tiny Lesson” is a children’s bedtime Stories About Bugs.

Cover designed By: StoryDino

Special Thanks To: My two boys for their suggestion on the design 🙂

Read Stories About Bugs in English in our 5 Minutes short stories library!