Bedtime Story For 5 Year Old

Benny’s Bubble Exploration

Bedtime Story For 5 Year Old

Benny has a goal he must achieve. Will he make it?

The little chick, Hanna, was playing with a bottle of bubble water on the balcony. With every breath she blew, brightly coloured bubbles flew to the sky. It was a beautiful sight! Hanna did not know that the bubbles she had blown were delightfully drifting everywhere after being stuck in the bottle for a long time!

“Whee! We are finally out!” the bubbles announced while twirling and floating around in the air. Benny, the bubble, was amazed by the sight that greeted him. “The world outside is impressive! I have heard stories about how awesome the ocean is, but I have yet to see one! Now is my chance to explore!” 

Benny was thrilled by the thought that he could not wait to increase his speed in the air to reach the ocean. Benny knew that as a bubble, he could only be out for a short time before disappearing into the air. Time was running fast, but he made it his priority to see the ocean before he vanished. 

On his way to seek the ocean, he flew over a small pond. There were fishes in the pond splashing. One of the fishes saw the colourful bubble, Benny floating above them, and he emerged from the water and yelled, “Little bubble, little bubble, come and join us !”

Benny smiled at the little fish and replied, “Thank you for your invitation. I will come back and play with you when I find the sea.” Benny waved farewell to the fishes and continued his way in the air.

As Benny continued to travel through the air, he eventually arrived at a field where the grass was full of vibrant flowers.

When the sunflower spotted Benny, she asked sweetly, “Little bubble, come and play with us. Look how beautiful we are here.”

“Yes, you are beautiful,” Benny responded, “but I must fulfil my goal to visit the sea first.”

After saying goodbye to the delicate flower, Benny continued to go forward.

As Benny persevered on his journey, he braved a heavy snowfall. The snowflakes fell on him, causing him to shiver and stiffen. Despite his challenges, Benny endured through and did not show any fear of the cold. He did not give up and continued to go forward.

After some time, Benny started to experience the feeling of exhaustion. He began to fly slower and slower. The long flight left him drained, and it appeared to make him descend at an increasing rate. However, a gleaming, brilliant light could be seen on the horizon at a distance.

“Ah! It’s the sea!” Excitedly, the tiny bubble let out a little cry.

Benny mustered all of his strength to fly as fast as he could, eventually reaching the boundless ocean he had been searching after some time.

The light reflected the water’s surface, which looked like millions of tiny silver shards. What a spectacular sight!

Benny flew around and laughed loudly with a sense of achievement. “The sea is indeed magnificent.” He exclaimed and joyfully plunged himself into the breath-taking glittering sea.

The end.

Bedtime Story For 5 Year Old bubbles image

Short Stories About Perseverance ~ Let’s Discuss

Learning and Discussion Corner on Perseverance

  1. If you were Benny, which place would you love visiting the most?
  2. What do you think about Benny’s determination? Is there a time where you are determined to achieve your goals? What made you so determine and persevere?
  3. Here are some tips for you to stay focus and reach your goals.
  4. Whatever goals you might have, remember, change the plan, but never the goal!
  5. Do you know what makes soap bubbles rainbow coloured? It is the light waves that enters the bubbles from all angles and reflect off both the outer and inner surfaces of the bubble. The multiple light waves bouncing off each other creates interference lights that creates a rainbow colour. (Source:

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This story “Benny’s Bubble Exploration” is a Short Stories On Perseverance.

Cover designed By: StoryDino

Special Thanks To: My two boys for their suggestion on the design 🙂

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