fairy short stories post

Sasha’s Graduation Magic Wand

Fairy Bedtime Stories

Sasha’s finally gotten her first magic wand! What will she do with it?

It is a long-standing custom at the School of Magic to present each junior apprentice who graduated from the school with their first wand upon graduation. The anticipation of getting their graduation wand has caused much excitement amongst the students in school. Everyone was discussing what was going to happen on that day.

Sasha the Pixie was exhilarated about the graduation ceremony, which would happen in a few days. She was thrilled, thinking about what she would do with the wand. “I will keep my room tidy instantly with a swing of my wand.” She declared. “When I feel hungry,” she says, “I will use magic to prepare my breakfast! I will use it to get whatever I wish to eat!” 

All the excitement has made her unable to sleep for nights, especially the day just before the graduation.

When she had to get ready for school on the actual day, Sasha was so exhausted that she couldn’t function properly. She ignored the alarm ringing and continued sleeping after pressing the snooze button on the clock.

“Oh dear, wake up, Sasha! It looks like you won’t make it in time for your graduation! “Her mother entered the bedroom to rouse her awake. “Oh no! It’s already so late!” Sasha jumped out of bed and dashed off to school in a hurried manner. Luckily, she made it to her graduation ceremony just in time.

When she reached, she hastily gathered in the hall, where most graduates were already well-seated. A symphony of music played in the background while some fairies were flying around to congratulate everyone. There were also elves sprinkling fairy dust on anyone who entered the hall.

The students were waiting patiently for the principal, Fairy Fion, to address them.

Suddenly, the music stopped. “Congratulations to all our outstanding students here in the School of Magic! I, Fairy Fion, the school’s principal, am proud to see everyone here today!” A clear, crisp voice said. A gust of wind swirled around the stage, followed by a sudden burst of glittery dust.

“Ding!” Fairy Fion appeared. The students gave an applause after much anticipation. Fairy Fion announced, “I’d want to take this opportunity to introduce the magic wand to all of you, my students. The awesome feature of this magic wand is that it gives the person upon whom the spell is cast, the power to achieve what they believe. Remember to make it work for the larger good and contribute to making the world a better place!”

“I shall call out every graduate’s name to receive this sacred wand.” Fairy Fion continued.

Some graduates strutted onto the stage, while others flew over to get their wands when they heard their names. There were many whisperings between students as they wondered what their lives would be if they began to empower others by sharing their goals and dreams with the world.

Once the ceremony ended, everyone emerged from the auditorium to congratulate one another on this momentous occasion. “Sasha, we did it! We are officially graduated! We might not run into each other as frequently in the future. Let’s snap a picture to remember this moment, shall we? “Said fairy Ariel. Even though Sasha felt tired since morning, she agreed and spent the rest of the afternoon with her classmates, engaging in photo-taking activities.

However, the lack of sleep had interfered with her alertness. While snapping photos, she was negligent and the wand slipped out of her pocket without her noticing. A mischievous imp, who happened to walk past, saw the wand on the ground and picked it up.

“What is this? It looks like a wishing wand! Lucky me!” Grinned the playful imp. With the wave of the wand, the devilish imp could detect the thoughts of by-passers. Those with positive, happy thoughts emanated a bright aura, whilst those who were thinking pessimistic and negative thoughts had a shadowy aura.

The naughty imp took cover behind a pillar and started to wait for his prey to approach. A miserable boy walks past with his head bowed and his back slouched, looking at the ground. He appeared to be in a bad mood. “Precisely what I was looking for.” The imp giggled. With a wave of the wand, the boy’s mind was immediately flooded with gloomy and depressing thoughts. “I’m so careless and useless. What happened to my belongings? “As the young boy continued to say those words, tears began to stream down his face. The presence of the evil aura that surrounded him grew greater.

The mischievous imp laughed to himself. He seemed to enjoy doing so. However, he was unaware that the aura would extend to those close to the target and could cause others to develop a pessimistic disposition.

“You mischievous imp, stop what you’re doing right now!” Fairy Fiona intervened when she became aware of the heightened negativity causing a disturbance in the natural environment. She removed the imp’s wand from her possession and cast another spell.

“Undo thy spells. Seek hopes and dreams, “chanted the Fairy. The boy’s shadowy aura gradually became brighter and eventually began to radiate in a more brilliant light.

The downcast child appears to be feeling better, and his thoughts are gradually becoming more upbeat. He reasoned, “My mother will be angry, but I am confident she will forgive me. I will make amends for my negligence and gain wisdom from experience.”

“Come along with me now!” Fairy Fiona dragged the imp to her office.

Meanwhile, after the photo, Sasha’s friends showed each other their magic wands and compared their designs. When they asked her to pull out hers so they could see what it looked like, she reached into her pocket to retrieve it, but it was not there. She rummaged into her bag, but there was nothing there either. Sasha’s heart sank. She immediately began searching high and low for her misplaced wand. “Where could I have put it?”

After wasting a significant amount of time looking for the wand, Sasha broke down in tears. She was so sad that she had lost her wand on the first day! Sasha had no choice but to go to the principal’s office to inquire about the “Lost and Found” and request a replacement wand if one was available.

As Sasha made her way inside the principal’s office, Fairy Fiona was in the middle of disciplining the mischievous imp. “Do you realize the risks you’re taking by acting this way? When magic is misused, it can bring about havoc in the world. What will happen if the only emotions that exist in the world are negative ones? You must return the wand to its rightful owner.” She said firmly.

At that moment, Fairy Fiona spotted Sasha walking into the office through the clear glass window. She was confident that Sasha had come to the office to report that she had misplaced her wand. Fairy Fiona emerged from her office along with the mischievous imp and asked, “Are you here to report on your missing magic wand?”

Sasha was taken aback by the fact that Fairy Fiona knew even before she had a chance to speak. “Please forgive me, Fairy Fiona; I have no idea how I misplaced my wand.” Sasha uttered these words as she felt tears well up in her eyes.

“You are lucky this time.” Fairy Fiona continued as she handled the wand to Sasha. “You must be careful next time. If someone evil was to get their hands on your wand, it would bring problems into our world.” Fairy Fiona spoke solemnly.

“I shall make it a point to handle the wand with the utmost care,” Sasha responded while sighing with relief that she had successfully found her wand.

Since then, Sasha has made it a point to continuously remind herself to store her magic wand properly and be vigilant. She even uses a ribbon to tie the wand around herself to prevent losing it again.

The end.

(Read more: Fairy Bedtime Stories)

Fairy Bedtime Stories

Fairy Bedtime Stories To Read ~ Let’s Discuss

Learning and Discussion Corner

  1. Have you ever misplaced or lost your favourite item? What did you do?
  2. Did you manage to find your lost items? If so, how did you find it?
  3. What did you do to prevent losing your things again?

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Short Bedtime Stories For Girls

This story “Sasha’s Graduation Magic Wand” .

Cover designed By: StoryDino

Special Thanks To: My two boys for their suggestion on the design 🙂

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