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The Candy House

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There’s a secret candy house in the woods. What’s in there?

Jerry enjoys eating sweets of all kinds, including chocolate. Of course, he also loves lollipops, popping candies, bubble gums, marshmallows, mints, coconut candies, peanut candies, maltose, and toffee. He could not stop eating them!

“Jerry, you should not consume more than three candies a day. It is unhealthy to consume excessive amounts of sugar. It not only makes your teeth decay but can also make you put on extra weight too fast.” Jerry’s mother chided him. She is constantly trying to remind Jerry of the importance of moderation.

However, eating just three pieces of candies doesn’t cut it! It is not enough to stop Jerry’s constant craving!

One day, Jerry was having fun in the woods. He detected a pleasant aroma that seemed to be coming from deep in the woods. It smelled like chocolate. He decided to follow the scent. As he progressed, he came across a brightly coloured house that he had never noticed.

He was astonished and thought, “Wow, this is such a gorgeous cottage!” As he moved in closer to get a better look, it suddenly occurred to him that the house’s design resembled candies. He was curious to find out who this wonderful house that smelled delicious belonged to. He tried to knock on the door, but something smeared on his hand when he did so. He took a sniff at his hand. It smelled like cocoa!

He decided to turn the doorknob to see if it could open. His palms were full of small shiny bits. He took some with his fingertips and tasted it. His eyes widened. It turned out to be sugar that was all over his hands!

Jerry could not wait to enter the house to see if there were more exciting sweets. He unlocked the house, but no one appeared to be home. Jerry crept inside the home and peeked in.

As soon as he walked into the house, he was greeted by what appeared to be a candy lover’s paradise. Different candy varieties were used to construct the home’s rooms, nooks, and crevices. Every part of the house is nothing but candies!

The table is made from shortening, and the couch is made of marshmallows.

Rock sugar, which has a crisp texture and a sugary flavour, was used to craft the cutlery on the table. Jerry took the spoon and put it in his mouth. It’s a strawberry-flavoured spoon!

The doors are crafted with dark chocolate!

“What is going on here? I must have stepped into a candy paradise!” Jerry could not contain his excitement.

As he was deep in thought, he did not realize an older woman had appeared.

“Hello, welcome to my humble home.” She said with a smile. “This is my playhouse full of sweets. I can tell that you have a soft spot for this place. She flashed a grin. “You are free to eat as many candies as you wish.”

Jerry was thrilled. He can secretly consume as many sweets and chocolates as he wants without his mother finding out. All of these are his favourite snacks.

Soon after, Jerry began devouring the basket of candies, which included sugar cubes, coffee-flavoured candies, lollipops, and M&M chocolate candies. He even licked his hands, smeared full of frosting from the walls.

As Jerry continued eating, he was oblivious that he was rapidly gaining weight and becoming chubbier as he did so. He also started moving more slowly and became more easily exhausted. “I’m done eating now. I will eat more later but let me wash my hands,” Jerry said. “Go ahead.” The old lady replied.

Jerry was on his way to the restroom when suddenly, he gave a piercing scream. He stared at himself in the mirror but did not recognize who he saw. His face had swollen up as a result of him putting on so much weight. When he opened his mouth to scream, he was even more surprised to see that every one of his teeth had become discoloured and decayed.

“Granny! Granny! Help! I looked like a different person!” Jerry shrieked. The old granny smiled reassuringly and said, “Don’t worry, you can continue to stay here in my candy house, and no one will know you.”

“I don’t want to. Please let me go back to my mommy!” Jerry pleaded.

“Take a good look in the mirror. You are getting slow and heavy, making it impossible to reach home. Even if you do, your mother will not be able to recognize you at this point.” The elderly woman went on speaking. “Wouldn’t you want to stay in this lovely candy house so that you can keep on eating these delectable sweets every day?” The old lady chuckled.

“No, I do not wish to consume more candies. I promise that I will not! I want to go home!” Jerry cried.

Suddenly, a familiar ringing sound went off. Jerry felt something tapping him on his face. “Jerry, wake up! It’s time to go to school.” Almost instantly, he opened his eyes.

“Mom? I’ve been looking forward to seeing you, mom! Jerry hugs his mother. His mother was confused by his behaviour.

“Let’s get up and get ready for school,” she urged him. His mother said, “Today, I made bread with Nutella chocolate.”

“No, mom,” Jerry said in response, “I want to be healthy.” Candies and chocolates are no longer something that appeals to me. Can I have toast with eggs and cheese on it, fruits and a glass of milk in the morning?”

Jerry’s mother was surprised but happy. “Mummy will start preparing it for you.”

From that day on, Jerry began his day with a nutritious meal and felt better than ever.

The end.

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Short Stories To Read ~ Let’s Discuss

Learning and Discussion Corner

  1. Do you love eating candies, chocolates and sweets like Jerry? What is your favourite snack?
  2. How often do you eat your favourite snack? Do you think it is healthy?
  3. Do you know that eating too much sweet stuff not only cause tooth decay, but also potentially cause more health problems such as risk of heart disease, diabetes and also acne too? (Source: Healthline)
  4. Remember that moderation is key! You can eat candies and chocolates but make sure not to overeat them! Eat more food found in the picture below by Harvard T.H.Chan School of Public Health.
  5. Stay healthy children!
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This story “The Candy House” .

Cover designed By: StoryDino

Special Thanks To: My two boys for their suggestion on the design 🙂

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