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Kamel’s Day In The Desert

Camel Stories For Children

Do you know how life is like for a camel in desert?

“Wait for me, Mum and Dad!” Kamel exclaimed as he tried to catch up with his parents. Camel’s life has not been easy. They don’t do anything but walk all day. Kamel’s parents have long limbs, and he struggled to keep up with them. The camel family is responsible for transporting all goods and people across the desert. For the time being, Kamel is still young and unable to carry anything; all he can do is follow behind his parents.

“It’s exhausting to have to walk all day!” Kamel expresses his dissatisfaction. He noticed that they were accompanied by a falcon every time they set out on their journey. “Why did the falcon decide to join us?” All they do is fly around in the sky looking for food.” Kamel pondered. He was secretly envious of the falcon, which can fly and thus avoids the hot sandy desert.

As Kamel was deep in thoughts, a strong sand wind began to blow. The wild wind began to howl and seemed to consume everything in its path. “Help! I’m unable to see or breathe!” As sand entered his mouth and nostrils, Kamel screamed. He closed his mouth and tried to keep the sand away from his face.

After a while, the storm came to an abrupt halt. It got dark, and the desert sky, once filled with sand, was now filled with twinkling stars.

Little Kamel coughed and spat out the sand that had become lodged in his throat. “Mummy and Daddy! Where are you all right now? “He screamed. However, no one was present. Kamel began to panic because it was the first time he had been left alone in the desert. “How am I going to find my parents?” he wondered.

“Perhaps I can look for any footprints they left behind.” Kamel’s eyes glowed. Kamel searches for footsteps, but the storm has obliterated any trace of their existence. There are no footprints in the vast, empty, and quiet desert.

Kamel is lost. He wandered around, hoping to find his family. He was tired after walking around for hours and sat down. While resting, he raised his head to gaze at the magnificent stars and moon and asked, “Dear Moon, did you see my mother and father?” Kamel sighed. He fell asleep as his eyelids became heavy.

Dawn will soon break. The tinge of brightness across the horizon woke Kamel up. When he noticed a lizard dash across him, he asked, “Can you help me find my parents, lizard?”

While waiting for the lizard to respond, he heard a raspy sound from the sky above. Kamel raised his eyes to the sky and noticed a speck in the distance. As it gets closer, Kamel sees that it is a falcon, similar to the one that rides on his parent’s shoulders. The falcon approached Kamel closely before beginning to circle her.

“It appears to be directing me to continue!” It dawned on Kamel. In excitement, Kamel followed the falcon across the dunes and over the hills.

Hours later, Kamel noticed a large city in the distance. “I finally made it out of the desert!” Kamel was overjoyed. Just then, Kamel heard a familiar voice, “Kamel! “What have you been up to?” When he turned around, he saw his mother! Delighted, Kamel dashed toward his parents. “I’m so sorry, mum and dad. I promise to follow you closely the next time!” Kamel’s parents nodded.

Together, they set out in the direction of the major metropolis.

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Camel Stories For Children ~ Let’s Discuss

Learning About Camel

  1. Make a guess, what is stored inside the humps of camel? It is not water, but fats! Their fat are converted into energy when they don’t have the access to resources for survival.
  2. Camels have very long eyelashes to protect their eyes from the dirt and sand in desert.
  3. According to World Atlas, camels can live without water for weeks!

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Camel Stories For Children

This story “Kamel’s Day In The Desert” .

Cover designed By: StoryDino

Special Thanks To: My two boys for their suggestion on the design 🙂