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Hot Or Cold Sun?

Short Stories For Night Time

Will you prefer a hot or cold sun?

The heat from the sun was intense. The scorching sun had heated the grounds to the point where smoke was seen rising from the grounds, creating a mirage. Every animal was burrowing underground or hiding in the grass or any shade under the tree they could find. A few of them decided to spend the entire day submerged in the water.

“It is uncomfortably warm. The animals cried out in unison, “We are going to melt! We must figure out a means to get the sun to stop shining.”

“Professor Owl, you are the most knowledgeable. Do you have any ideas on how we can stop the sun from burning? Squirrel asks.

The wise old owl thought for a while and replied, “Let’s shove the sun into a freezer.” That will make the temperature more bearable by tomorrow.”

“That sounds great! I will tell everyone to work together to get the sun into the freezer! Squirrel answered.

Everyone came together to push the sun as soon as it began to set. Big, powerful animals like buffaloes and bison, brown bears, elephants, lions and tigers, as well as smaller ones like rabbits, raccoons, hedgehogs, and squirrels, all contributed their efforts to move the sun.

“One, two, three,” they said. “Push…” the owl professor commanded. They were able to move the sun with everyone’s help. Gradually, they managed to place the sun inside the refrigerator.

The following morning, Professor owl roused all of the animals with his frantic yapping: “Hurry up, hurry up, we need to shift the sun out of the way before it freezes! However, when Professor Owl opened the refrigerator, he discovered that the sun had transformed into a massive snowball.

The animals united again to remove the frozen sun from the refrigerator. After much hard work, they finally returned the sun to the top of the mountain.

After a while, the frozen sun began to rise. This time, the animals experienced a chill.

At noon, the ice sun had already risen above them. Usually, this would be the warmest time of the day. However, heavy snowfall started instead. The trees shrivelled, and flowers withered. The river started to become frozen. The temperature was so low that the animals had to bundle up in their winter wear or else they would be frozen. Some animals could not keep their nests warm quickly enough from the sudden cold and suffered from the severe cold weather.

The animals sought the help of Professor Owl again. “Please, Professor Owl, help us. Even though it is not hot as it was earlier, the abrupt drop in temperature is getting intolerable for us. Please come up with a solution!”

The wise old owl responded, “There is no other option than to roast the sun.”

Again, the animals used their collective strength to shove the sun into Professor Owl’s big oven that night.

As time went on, the ice sun began to melt. The temperature in the sky began to rise, and the sun’s intensity increased from what it had been. At noon, the sun had transformed into a massive fireball, which withered flowers and grasses. It caused the burning of dry trees and bamboo structures of the monkeys. The elephant’s wooden houses started catching fire from the heat, and even the water in the lake was on the verge of boiling.

It seems that freezing and roasting the sun does not work. There had to be other ways.

Let’s make it rain, shall we? This will aid in bringing the temperature back down!” Professor Owl exclaimed. With that, he flew into the air and began tossing little ice crystals, scattering them all over the sky. “I want you all to follow me! Toss the ice crystals in the air! The owl professor called out.

Everyone began to fling the ice crystals into the air. The birds accompanied Professor Owl into the air and obeyed his instructions.

Soon, clouds began to gather very quickly. The thick blanket of clouds eventually obscured the sun, and rain began to fall.

“It has started to rain!” Everyone clapped and cheered. Some of the animals opened their mouths to take a sip of the rain. Others wash their fur in the rain while some animals stood still to feel the sensation of the cool rain on them.

The animals were so ecstatic with their achievement of bringing the rain that they began to dance and play in it once it started falling.

“Let’s party in the rain!” Professor owl announced with a broad grin.

The end.

Short Stories For Night Time

Short Stories For Night Time ~ Let’s Discuss

Learning About rain

  1. Is the sun important? Do you know that the sun has extremely important influences on our planet: It drives weather, ocean currents, seasons, and climate, and makes plant life possible through photosynthesis. Without the sun, all life cannot survive. (Source: National Geographic)
  2. Do you prefer having sun or do you prefer a cold weather?
  3. According to World Population Review, Mali, a country in West Africa is the hottest country in the world with an average temperature of 28.83°C / 83.89°F. As for the coldest country in the world, Greenland is top of the charts. What do you think?
  4. Have you learn about the rain making method called cloud seeding?

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Short Stories For Night Time

This story “Hot Or Cold Sun?” .

Cover designed By: StoryDino

Special Thanks To: My two boys for their suggestion on the design 🙂